Because history is fun and love is worth working for

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From our York Correspondent: Music and Mysteries!

The 1817 York Season bids fair to be the most exciting for years. Not only are we expecting the late Earl of Seahaven’s bevy of beautiful daughters, chaperoned by their widowed step-mama, and an especially busy schedule of balls, assemblies, and al fresco parties, but a little bird near the theatre whispered to me that we are also to be graced by a musical virtuoso!

Composer and pianist John Sutton has been taking European audiences by storm for years, and we are thrilled that he is to make his British debut here in York. We are assured this will be a delight not only to music lovers, but to the ladies in general, for Mr. Sutton is rumoured to be most handsome and gentlemanly. But are we imagining the mystery surrounding Mr. Sutton? Why is he so famous in Europe, while in his home country, we have yet to hear him play a note? We await sight and sound of the great man with bated breath!

In other York news, we are sorry to report that the lost heir of Baron Allbury is still missing. The prevailing view among the family and lawyers concerned is that the late baron’s second son is also sadly deceased, and that the title and lands of Allbury will pass eventually to a nephew. But is it over-presumptive of said nephew to be using the title already? Readers, you must decide! 


At the age of 27, Lady Barbara has long accepted her position on the shelf. She is thrilled to put aside her music-teaching in order to help her beautiful young sisters find eligible husbands.

But then, a chance encounter with an unconventional and mysterious young piano tuner has her heart in a spin. Can she trust him? And can she save him from the lethal threat hanging over them both?

Excerpt from Concerto:

He bit into a chicken leg. “What of you? For a teacher so eager to be paid…” He waved the chicken leg in the direction of her finery.

“Why do you think I was so eager to be paid?” she retorted. “All is not what it seems. Suffice it to say that my whole family is doing what it can.”

“Yet you do not dance.”

She blinked. “Sir, I am seven and twenty. I help my stepmother chaperone my lively sisters. They are the ones here to dance.”

“Well, I would rather dance with you. Not that I can in present circumstances, but trust me, I am not the only man who feels that way.”

Ignoring the color seeping into her face, she met his gaze. “Are you being kind, Mr. Jack? I assure you, there is no need. How long are you fixed in York?”

“Until the violinist is back on his feet, I suppose.” He shifted restlessly. “But perhaps I will go home.”

“You still have not been?”

“I still have not even spoken to those I need to.”

“Why not?”

He hesitated, then: “Perhaps I am reluctant to give up my freedom.”

“Talking does not deprive one of freedom,” she pointed out, when she had swallowed the last of her pastry. “You have nothing to lose except peace of mind. Get it over with, and you will still have your freedom at the very least.”

“At the very least,” he repeated in an odd voice. His gaze was fixed unblinkingly on hers. A smile began to form in his eyes, crinkling the laughter lines, curving his lips, and her heart gave another of its foolish flutters.

Appalled at herself, she stood up. He immediately stood, too, and suddenly he was close enough for her to smell him, all warm, clean citrus and spice and male. Something surged between them, a flash of awareness, perhaps, certainly attraction on her part.

“I must get back to pursuit of my sisters,” she said, hoping she did not sound as breathless as she felt. “Thank you for the gallant rescue.”

It would have been easy for him to stand in her way. Half of her even wanted him to, but despite the warmth of his eyes, he moved aside at once, even pulled the door open for her and bowed. For an instant, as she brushed past, she thought he would say something more, but he just smiled and then she was out the door.

Author Bio:

Mary Lancaster is a USA Today bestselling author of historical fiction and historical romance. She lives in Scotland with her husband, one of three grown-up kids, and a small dog with a big personality. 

Her first literary love was historical fiction, a genre which she relishes mixing up with romance and adventure in her own writing. Several of her novels feature actual historical characters as diverse as Hungarian revolutionaries, medieval English outlaws, and a family of eternally rebellious royal Scots. To say nothing of Vlad the Impaler.

Her most recent books are light fun Regency romances, with occasional forays into Victorian mystery.



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News of Arrival of most noted Military Hero!

News from Lady G.T.!

Dear Readers,
I’m sharing with you a letter from one of my faithful correspondents:
Dear Mr. Clemmons,
I hope that this letter finds you well. I myself was agreeably settled for a time to take the waters in Harrogate, with all the conviviality that entails. Goodness! I might have had some delicious news to share with you, had I not received a most surprising letter from my grandson which required me to rush off to York!
Oh, this news is not in the nature of titillating on dits for your readers (Of which I number myself one!), but the happiest sort of news to thrill the hearts of honest Englishmen and Englishwomen. For, a hero of the seemingly unending wars with the French has arrived in York, Major A.K. (Oh, I may not use his name, for he is a creature of the most humble and self-effacing disposition where his military service is concerned). I am quite proud to say that he is a relation of mine, and his late mother was my dearest friend.
So I write to you from York, having only just arrived and had the pleasure of dining with said hero, as well as my grandson, and my widowed daughter-in-law, Lady H.T. She has taken a house in York for the season—wisely, one that accommodates all of us! I daresay she is young enough to marry again, though her years with my late son may discourage… no, I will not go there.
But should she decide to dip a toe into matrimony again, I daresay she and the Major are of an age to be quite suitable, if he is so inclined as well. And what man is not better off for having a wife?
I shall write again and tell you more of the Major’s heroics, as he has promised me the tale at another time.
Do ensure that my copy of the Teatime Tattler reaches me at the direction I’m providing.
I am as ever, your faithful reader,
Lady G.T.

Lady Twisden’s Picture Perfect Match, in Desperate Daughters, A Bluestocking Belles Collection with Friends
After years of tolerating her late husband’s rowdy friends, Honoria, Lady Twisden, has escaped to York where she can paint, investigate antiquities, and enjoy freedom. Then her stepson appears with a long-lost relation in tow, the perfect image of a long-ago relation whose fierce portrait made her shiver with mad imaginings.

Promised York’s marriage mart and the hospitality of his cousin’s doddering stepmother, Major August Kellborn is shocked to find that his fetching hostess is the one woman who stirs his heart. To win her heart, however, he must convince her he’s not just a perfect image, but her perfect match.

“Where is the footman? We need him to fetch in our trunks.”
Looking past the broad shoulder she saw another figure approaching and…
Good God. Heat swamped her and flamed in her cheeks. Dark eyes shot darts at her over a grimly set, thin-lipped mouth. The palpable sternness of Wes’s companion sent a shiver of awareness through her. It was a familiar shiver, one she’d indulged during her tedious days at Twisden Manor when she’d found herself fighting off mad imaginings.
Wes’s laughter shook her tongue loose. “My goodness, sir,” she said. “You bear an uncanny resemblance to—”
“Old Ebenezer Twisden,” Wes said. “Yes, it is as if the old Warden has come back to life, Mother. As soon as I laid eyes on him in Brampton, I knew he must be a relation. And do you know who he is, Mother?” He laughed again. “I’ve written to Granny to tell her. She’ll be in alt when she reads the news.”
A man of perhaps forty, he was about the same age as Wes’s ancestor, the Warden in the painting at Twisden Hall who’d been in the King’s service for many years when that portrait was done. This new incarnation of Ebenezer wasn’t a particularly tall man, not as tall as Wes, but he still towered over her.
Old Ebenezer cleared his throat.
“But of course,” Wes said. “Where are my manners? Mother, may I present my cousin, Major Augustus Kellborn. Gus, this is my dear stepmother, Lady Twisden.”
While she curtsied, managing not to wobble, he dipped his head, never taking his gaze away.
Good holy heavens.A hero returned from the wars!

Desperate Daughters:  A Bluestocking Belles with Friends Collection

Love Against the Odds

The Earl of Seahaven desperately wanted a son and heir but died leaving nine daughters and a fifth wife. Cruelly turned out by the new earl, they live hand-to-mouth in a small cottage.
The young dowager Countess’s one regret is that she cannot give Seahaven’s dear girls a chance at happiness.
When a cousin offers the use of her townhouse in York during the season, the Countess rallies her stepdaughters.
They will pool their resources so that the youngest marriageable daughters might make successful matches, thereby saving them all.
So start their adventures in York, amid a whirl of balls, lectures, and al fresco picnics. Is it possible each of them might find love by the time the York horse races bring the season to a close?

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Author bio:
USA Today bestselling author Alina K. Field earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature but prefers the happier world of romance fiction. Her roots are in the Midwestern U.S., but after six very, very, very cold years in Chicago, she moved to Southern California where she shares a midcentury home with a gold-eyed terrier and only occasionally misses snow.


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Is she ‘Accidental’ or ‘Intentional’?

“Psst.” The man beckoned to Miss Forsythe when he nearly bumped into her at his friend Saintfort’s engagement ball. He knew of her, but she didn’t hold his fancy like a certain platinum-haired beauty did. In fact, the first time he’d met Lady Laughton’s sister and had seen her in the Bath chair, his heart had become engaged.

If anyone were to describe him, he was a veritable Greek Adonis, for he had those looks, but to his way of thinking, he was only average. Or rather, perhaps a notch above that since he would inherit a title one day. “Come closer. I have a bit of gossip you might wish to hear.”

“Why, Lord Randolph?” But her eyes were wide as she followed him into a corner near a grouping of potted palms and ferns.

It wasn’t well done of him to share such Drury Lane drama, but he rather thought of the chit as a little sister, and any time spent in his company was bound to help launch her in society. “Do you see that man over there?”

“The Earl of Laughton?”


“He’s been blacklisted in the ton.” Her tone was well scandalized.

“True, but, he’s my best friend, and I’ll wager he’s about to be dressed down quite splendidly at this event by the Duke of Bradford—the man who wishes him dead.”

She gawked. “Is it because he jilted His Grace’s daughter and married her instead?”

The gossip, of course had made its way around society. “Just so. But if he can stay away from the brandy, he shall hold his own against that threat.” Then Lord Randolph moved his finger to the opposite side of the room. “And that is his wife, Lady Laughton. Isn’t she a looker?”

“I envy her the brunette hair and her eyes.” Miss Forsythe followed where he’d indicated. The countess carried herself with regal authority. How she managed to ignore the vicious whispers and stares was anyone’s guess. “But she looks both nervous and sad. Why?”

“I suspect she’s hopelessly in love with her husband, but she doesn’t think he returns that regard.” Lord Randolph chuckled. He had conducted enough conversations with the earl to know that was far from the truth. “The trouble is, good old Laughton has been mucked up with grief over his first wife that he thinks he cannot love again.”

“Is that a lie?” Miss Forsythe frowned as the two approached each other to partner in a country reel.

“Oh, quite. Percival has fallen tip over tail for the lady but is so riddled with doubts, has been unable to break free from the demon drink, that his confidence is shot.” Lord Randolph shook his head. It was a sticky wicket. Until he saw what his friends did, he would always stay stuck. “Look at them together, though. If that’s not a well-matched pair regardless of how they came together, I don’t know what is.”

“That’s a sad story, Lord Randolph. When a couple marries, shouldn’t they do so out of love?”

“Indeed, but you know how some things in the ton work.” He followed his friend’s progress with his gaze. Every so often, Laughton would grin and that would make his wife laugh. Damn, but why couldn’t the man see he was so much better off with the woman than without?

“Do you think they shall make a go of it?”

“It’s my fondest hope. Lady Laughton certainly knows how to handle him when he falls into a maudlin mood, and she’s been instrumental in keeping him off the drink, but even she has a breaking point.” Lord Randolph shook his head. “Only time will tell now… if the duke doesn’t drive a permanent wedge between them.”

“And doom them both?” Miss Forsythe tsked her tongue. “Surely love—and common sense—will prevail.”

“We can wait and watch.” But he frowned. He’d known Percival since their school days, and the man didn’t enter anything lightly. If he would just acknowledge how he felt for his wife, he’d be better off, but grief was as difficult to find distance from as the hold of alcohol. “However, I am of the mind that good always triumphs over evil.”

“Yes.” His temporary companion nodded. “That is indeed correct. Love is one of the most powerful things we can find. I wish your friend and his wife well.”

“As do I.” The country reel had come to an end, and the next set assembling was a waltz. “Perhaps you will do me the honor? I’ll tell you another story about Percival that happened while we were at Oxford…”

An Accidental Countess is a steamy, standalone Regency romance. It releases on March 3rd. Here’s the blurb:

True love doesn’t come from position or status but by the whispers of the heart.

Miss Lavinia Thompson’s life hasn’t been a bed of roses. Being born on the wrong side of the blanket ensures she’s not welcome within the glittering, respectable world of the London ton. Left with little choice, she embraced her status in the demi-monde, content to remain a mistress to whoever would pay the highest price. Until that life dimmed, and she wanted acceptance for herself.

Percival Hughes, the 12th Earl of Laughton is a powerful man who takes great pride in his title and position within society. Until one night of drunken revelry when he accidentally weds his mistress thinking her his real bride-to-be. As the repercussions of his ill-fated decision rock the ton and shift the foundation of his life, he struggles to make peace with the fact he married a highly unsuitable woman.

As the days go by, Lavinia and Percival grow close in their marriage of inconvenience. Outings in London with his young daughter form lasting bonds. While the new countess isn’t readily accepted into the beau monde, Percival’s determination to see her legitimate increases, but when forced proximity has romance blooming from desire, they retreat to keep their hearts aloof. To move forward together, they’ll need to rely on trust and love, and perhaps a bit of faith, regardless of what viper-tongued society gossips say.

You can preorder the book right now for .99 cents. The price goes back to regular after release:

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Unchaperoned Encounter between a Mysterious Earl and a Flame-haired Lady! Astonishing tattle!

Dear Readers,

Gazette insiders tell us there was an unchaperoned encounter between a certain deliciously mysterious earl and a flame-haired lady who’s rumored to keep daggers hidden within her skirts. Both were apparently seeking a stolen journal and yet only one was the victor… And considering the gentleman in question was observed limping away from the encounter, wearing a ferocious scowl on his handsome brow, our money is firmly on the lady in question as having won the confrontation. Though if she did best the earl, one does wonder how she accomplished such a feat against what can only be described as a prime specimen of a male, whose athletic prowess is unparalleled and very much admired by the ladies of Society. One does wonder, indeed…

‘Tis a question we shall be pondering as we wait with bated breath to see what the earl will do in reply. After all, the gentleman is not known as a man who gives up easily, in fact his tenacity is both admired and to be feared. The lady would do well to be cautious, very cautious, indeed. Though we’ve heard rumors that this particular lady in question is unlike other ladies; apparently, she prefers to she throw daggers, not dinner parties…. How delightfully wicked!

We suspect things are about to get dangerously scandalous… So, stay tuned, dear reader, for what is sure to be an extremely entertaining and perilous journey ahead as we eagerly anticipate the antics these two undoubtedly have in store for us. 

THE BACHELOR BETRAYAL by Maddison Michaels

Release date: 14 February 2022.

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He wants justice

Underestimating Marcus Black is the last thing his enemies ever do. After all, the respected Earl of Westwood is a deadly threat… when her Majesty needs him to be. And his only goal is to avenge his brother’s murder. Which would be much easier if the viciously-skilled Lady Kaitlyn Montrose wouldn’t swoop in, knee him in the bollocks, and then run off with his only lead…

She wants revenge

Kat is determined to avenge her beloved uncle’s murder and nothing will stop her. Especially not the devastatingly handsome, and equally lethal Marcus Black. The fact that he’s after the same target is a complication she hadn’t planned on.  And as much as she enjoys taunting him, she has a job to do—one that doesn’t include sparring with the infuriating man at every turn. Except Kat has a new plan… one that Marcus will just hate.

Now they’ll have to work together… if they don’t kill each other first

Individually, Marcus and Kat are deadly. If they worked together, they could be unstoppable. But when attraction gets in the way of vengeance, it’s more than hearts on the line. And only one person can win…


Indoctrinated into a world of dashing rogues and feisty heroines when she was a teenager and picked up her first ever historical romance, Maddison Michaels has been a prolific reader and writer of historical romance ever since. She is the bestselling author of six books, including THE DEVILISH DUKE which won the 2019 RWA Australia Historical Romantic Book of the Year.

Writing historical romance is Maddison’s way of time traveling back to Victorian London to experience a cornucopia of intrigue, romance and adventure all from the comfort of her living room! She also loves incorporating her previous 16 years experience as a police officer into the mystery and suspense elements of her books.  She lives in Sydney, Australia with her own handsome hero, beautiful daughter and fur baby, and she always starts her day with a cup of liquid gold…coffee – just quietly, she’s addicted to the stuff!

Maddison absolutely loves to hear from her readers and you can find her at or on most social media platforms!

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A most dreadful account of misbehaviour and scandal

Sticky post

Dear Sir,
As an avid reader of your illuminating reports, it behoves me to inform you of some rather scandalous behaviour recently observed concerning a certain gentleman of my acquaintance, FD. This man, well known in the first circles of society, is of the finest pedigree, if not, perhaps, always so gentlemanly in his actions toward others. He is, at present, rusticating in parts not far from London, where he is consorting with a lady so far below him as to make one wonder at his intentions.

Whilst in Hertfordshire, at the home of his friend, this gentleman has found himself in a most alarming situation, for there are now residing in the house not one but three unmarried ladies, only one of whom is related to either gentleman.

One of these is the above-mentioned lady, EB, who has been heard hurling the most venomous insults towards FD, and FD—so unlike anything a gentleman ought to do—has responded in like manner. Scarcely a word can pass between them that is not barbed like an arrow, which brings one to imagine whether this is all a show for the benefit of their companions to divert all notions that there might be some other, even less respectable, association between them. The town is quite put out by this outrageous behaviour, and now the two are forced to be living in the same house!

Furthermore, there have been a number of scandalous activities taking place in this very house, such as eavesdropping, deliberate trickery on the part of others, and play acting. I, myself, have been party to some of these as an invited guest and have seen such goings-on as to cause me to blush.

EB’s character must be brought under suspicion for her role in this whole affair, and likewise that of her sister J must likewise be concerning. FD is certainly consorting with people so far below him.

This is, I might add, the same FD who only last summer removed his dear sister from a most fortuitous engagement, thereby depriving her of the love of her life, and casting her into a sort of prison, guarded over and unable to receive any communications from those who have her interests at heart. I put it to you, sirs: should this gentleman—in name only—be permitted to retain his elevated position in society when he engages in such dreadful behaviour?

Yours, etc,

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