Because history is fun and love is worth working for

A letter of retraction

Mr. Clemens:

I can stand silent no longer, Sir. The recent flurry of activity in your paper with regards to the Bluestocking Belles has been not only outrageous but without cause. To see their name tarnished by closed minded individuals has caused me to rise to their defense!

One might think of me as one of those forward speaking women, and if this includes the Belles then I know I am in good company. There is nothing scandalous in their novels and I have even heard they give part of their sales to a charity. A charity, Mr. Clemens! Now how can anyone complain about people who will give their hard earned monies to those who are less fortunate?

I pray that those who previously published such unkind words regarding the Bluestocking Belles will make a retraction in the Teatime Tattler. I, for one, will be looking forward to their next release.

Lady Elinor Lacey

To our esteemed readers:

In case you wish to see for yourself what all the fuss is about, be sure to check out the Bluestocking Belles’ page for information on their next box set, Follow Your Star Home.

S. Clemens




Author Allyn Working on New Heart Melting Romance


The Wanderer Returns


  1. Thanks for sharing. Absolutely scandalous and I’m looking forward to reading a retraction.

    I encourage everyone to share your comments. I certainly will. Lady Sandra Masters.

    • Sherry Ewing

      Thank you for stopping by, Lady Sandra. One never knows what those Bluestocking Belles will be up to next!

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