Because history is fun and love is worth working for

Tag: Pamela Gibson

A Shocking Sight at the Covent Garden Market

Dear Readers, today we have a most interesting report from one of our regular correspondents: 

As we have all been speculating about the missing Siltsbury heir, who was finally located in an island in the West Indies, I must report a shocking sight a reliable source recently witnessed.  That very heir, who has finally made an appearance in Town, was seen at the Covent Garden market in the company of none other than his housekeeper.

Who would not want to be on the arm of such a dashing rogue. That lustrous hair, that exemplary physique, and those full lips that curve up into a mocking smile are enough to make even a staid matron like myself swoon. But I digress (as I fan myself).

My source said the woman had the audacity to take his arm as they strolled about. Can you believe it? Of course the new Earl of Siltsbury might be accustomed to associating with women who are, shall we say, not of the highest class? It’s said he served on sailing ships and engaged in something called Cornish wrestling, until the family solicitor traced his whereabouts and brought him home.

He has been seen at Jackson’s Boxing Saloon, Tattersalls, and White’s as the guest of Lord Ralston, whose wife is his cousin. But while he is now invited everywhere by those of us whose curiosity must be assuaged, the man has declined to appear in society, dashing hopes of the dozen or so suitable debutantes in search of a rich husband. Did I mention the Siltsbury fortune? Of course, such a topic is not suitable for this esteemed publication. I do beg your pardon.

During his visit to the market he was seen carrying parcels. I am not jesting. No other servant accompanied them and the lady, or I should say female, seemed quite taken with him when they departed in a hired hackney. Not the Siltsbury carriage!

My impeccable source also whispered that the housekeeper seemed vaguely familiar. In fact, she bore a subtle resemblance to the wife of the late Baron Colford who died tragically nearly two years ago.

Oh, I do love a mystery, don’t you? I’m sure all will be revealed before the household removes themselves from town.

Your humble correspondent,

Lady W.

The Reluctant Earl

Gerren Stafford, sailor and Cornish wrestler, ran away to sea when his gentle older brother was taunted and killed in a duel, and vowed never to set foot in his homeland again.  When a stranger informs him he is the new Earl of Siltsbury, Gerren reluctantly returns to England with a hidden purpose, and to assume a role for which he is woefully unprepared.

Then he meets Anna.

Anna Jeffries is a baroness who is keeping her aristocratic connections a secret. She uses  her new position as Siltsbury housekeeper to hide from her late husband’s successor, a man she suspects arranged her husband’s death and is now threatening her with harm if she “dares to spread her vile rumors.”

Drawn together by friendship, loneliness, and hidden emotional wounds, Anna and Gerren find solace in passion. But can they find an enduring love or are there too many secrets and lies between them?




When the wrestling match began Gerren circled his opponent, slightly bent at the waist, his arms hanging loosely at his sides. Then he made his move. He aimed for the legs then picked up the man and slammed him on his back, getting an elbow in his nose for his effort. When the fellow rose, they danced around until a second slam kept his opponent on the floor. It took five minutes, not ten, to be declared the winner. The man signaled his moves and Gerren read them easily.

Wiping away the blood trickling over his mouth and chin with the back of his hand, he concentrated on his next opponent and easily outwitted him. Some nights the matches were more even and despite the rules, he’d had fingers broken and a shoulder dislocated that a sawbones had to wrench back into place.

The last brute was a big ‘un, taking all of his strength as they danced around each other in a gruesome minuet, grappling, grunting, and finally slamming each other to the floor several times. At the end of the hour Gerren had more pins and remained undefeated. When the announcement was made, the crowd went wild. The noise in the crowded room didn’t abate until someone began singing a bawdy song and others joined in.

Gerren slipped away to his personal bucket of water outside the back door where he could clean himself in peace. When he finished wiping the blood from his face, he wasn’t alone.

Shiny boots appeared first, followed by a silver-headed walking stick. Sluicing the last of the water over his head and shoulders, he toweled himself dry and hoped he wouldn’t miss that nice tankard of ale waiting for him down the street.

“Oy, what do you want? If it’s to rebuke me for winning when you bet on the other lads, come back next week and wager on the winner this time.” Gerren set his towel aside and pulled on a clean shirt. “State your business. I have a place I need to be.”

“Are you Gerren Stafford from Falmouth?”

“I am although I make my home here in Kingston for now. Haven’t been back in a dozen years. Why?”

“Is there somewhere we can talk privately.”

Gerren glanced at the darkened alley behind the warehouse. “I guess you can say this is as private as it gets. State your business.”

“Your father was Charles Stafford, younger brother of Mathew Stafford, the late Earl of Siltsbury. Charles predeceased his two older brothers.”

“You been studying my pedigree? Say what you’re here to say and be done with it.”

The man took a packet from an inside pocket of his coat. “Gerren Alexander Stafford, my name is Harold Jenkins. I’m the solicitor for the Siltsbury estate and I’ve been looking for you for more than a year.”

“Out with it, man.” Gerren’s body, even in a win, took a beating and he wanted his ale and a woman’s soft bed and body. He had no patience for a fool on a fool’s errand.

“In November, 1818, Mathew Stafford, sixth Earl of Siltsbury, succumbed to a wasting disease in Baltimore, Maryland. He had no male heir, nor did he have any living brothers. Your deceased grandfather and your father were the only ones with male issues and your uncles, like your father, have all predeceased you.”

“What in bloody hell is this about?”

“Congratulations, my lord. It is my duty and my pleasure to inform you that you are the new Earl of Siltsbury and I’m here to take you home.”

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About the Author

Author of eight books on California history and twenty-two romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who retired with her husband to the Southern Nevada desert. Having spent several years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading, writing, cooking and keeping up with the antics of Ralph, her Siamese cat. She loves dry red wine, all kinds of chocolate, old Jimmy Buffet sailing songs, and curling up with a good book. You can find her in these places:




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A Shocking Turn of Events at the Siltsbury Ball

Dear Reader,

I must report to you a shocking set of events that has the polite world reeling and convey to you my deepest regrets that, if all is proven true, a stalwart fixture of society will no longer be received.

Lady Witherspoon, who rarely misses an event of importance, was a guest at Miss Jocelyn Stafford’s birthday ball. While the guest of honor seemed to comport herself with the refinement one has come to expect from a gently-bred maiden, Lady Witherspoon sensed something was amiss and made a point of seating herself at the young lady’s table when the buffet was set out.

Her guardian, Lord Ralston, never left her side and  answered most of the questions put to the girl. When Lady Witherspoon peered into Miss Stafford’s face, she detected a tan. A tan! Miss Stafford never leaves home without her bonnet and was as pale as a ghost just last week. When she remarked on it, Ralston said Miss Stafford had taken up strolling in her mother’s garden without her head covering. Not only that, the girl’s spoken words seemed to have odd inflections.

Could this be an imposter?

Rumors, spread by servants who should know not to speak of their betters (and of course, we never listen to such gossip), have speculated that a guest spirited into Lady Siltsbury’s house two days ago late at night is not a widowed relation seeking total privacy, but another daughter who closely resembles Miss Jocelyn. Could Jocelyn have a sister? Surely not a twin.

I shudder to think of how this could be true as Lord Siltsbury departed these shores and hied off to the colonies years ago and has never returned. Of course he was a mere second son at the time. He generously allowed his wife, who is terrified of sea travel, to remain.

I will leave this with you, dear reader. If indeed Lady Siltsbury has tried to fool polite society by foisting an imposter on the ton, then shame on her. And if it is true (and I sincerely hope for the sake of all involved it is not) who is this mysterious look-alike and where is Jocelyn?

Ah, these mysteries are enough to still my faint heart. I must ring for my vinaigrette before penning my next report.

—An Anonymous Correspondent

Scandal’s Deception

Jane Stafford, raised in America, is shocked to learn she is a wealthy heiress, her late father was an earl, and her English mother is alive. Anxious to meet the woman she long-thought dead, she travels to London, only to be whisked away by her sinfully handsome guardian to a remote estate to be “schooled” in the ways of the ton.

Gilbert Carmichael, Lord Ralston, chafes at having to make a rebellious young heiress acceptable to society, especially one who is impetuous and blatantly democratic. Because the instruction she needs is more than deportment and dancing. It’s also about how to spot a rake who might woo her for her fortune.

When Ralston learns his ward is to be used as a pawn in an elaborate scheme involving a secret impersonation, he will move heaven and earth to keep her safe. Because proximity has brought the uncomfortable knowledge that his interest may be more than duty—it just might be love.

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Jane lowered her head as she entered Papa’s room, loathe to gaze on her father in his pale, weakened state. The darkened room smelled of camphor and some other sickly-sweet substance she couldn’t place. She dragged a wooden chair to the side of the bed and sat, her hands clasped firmly in her lap.

Papa turned his head to face her. “My dear.”

She leaned closer to hear what he had to say, her throat tightening once again.

“I’m here.” She swallowed and forced herself to look into the feverish eyes.

“You will be amply provided for. Hornsby has the details.”

“I know, Papa. I’m not worried about my future.”

He smiled and her breath caught. “After…after my funeral, he has instructions to purchase passage for you on a ship bound for England.”

Jane leaned further forward, not sure she heard correctly. “England? I shall stay here in Maryland. I do not know anyone in England.”

He turned his face away, his breaths coming faster. The doctor rose from his chair by the fire and peered into his patient’s face. “You need to rest, Mathew. Speaking is taking your energy.”

“No. I have to tell her.”

Jane picked up his cold hand, a chill skipping along her spine despite the heat in the room. “Tell me what?”

He turned back to her. “You have relatives in England who will care for you.”

She hunched her shoulders and bent closer, astonished by her father’s words. “Who?”

He closed his eyes, as if gaining strength, then opened them.

“Your mother.”

Jane squeezed his hand and shook her head. Poor Papa. How cruel for such a brilliant man to be delusional at the end. Her mother was dead. Died in childbed. She’d been told as soon as she was old enough to ask.

“I’ve written to her,” he whispered. “She’s expecting you.”

He lapsed into a coughing fit, the doctor by his side. Janie rose and moved away, her brain unable to process what she’d been told. His mind was tricking him. It must be the pain.

Maddie, standing by the door, hurried in and led Jane out of the room, seating her in a chair in the hall. She handed her the glass she still carried and told Jane to sip slowly. “You need this, child.”

Trying to process Papa’s words, Jane took the glass and held it in both hands, mesmerized by the candlelight playing on the facets of the crystal.

England. Your mother. I’ve written to her.

How odd for him to say such a thing.

She sipped from the glass and handed it back. “Maddie? Wasn’t I born in this house? You were here, weren’t you?”

“You were nearly a year old when your Papa offered me the position of both housekeeper and nanny. It was difficult for me to care for a house and a child, but he paid well so I accepted. I’ve never regretted it.”

You have relatives in England.

“Did you ever ask about my mother?”

“It wasn’t my place. I assumed she must be dead, although I found it odd he never spoke of her.”

“I assumed the same. Whenever I asked about her, he said it was too painful to discuss. So I stopped.” She stared at her tightly clasped hands. “You heard what he said?”

“I did and I have to tell you I’m bewildered.”

The door opened and the doctor came out. A long-time friend of Papa’s, Dr. Hadley shook his head. “He’s gone. I’m sorry.”

Maddie shrieked, her hand covering her mouth. Jane sat silently in the chair, cold to the core, chilled by an ugly premonition.

Her life was about to undergo a momentous change.

And not for the better.

Meet Pamela Gibson

Author of eight books on California history and seventeen romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who lives in the Nevada desert. Having spent the last three years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading, writing, cooking and keeping up with the antics of Ralph, the Rescue Cat. If you want to learn more about her activities go to and sign up for her quarterly newsletter and occasional blog. Or follow her in these places:








A Mother Demands Intervention

Loyal Readers of The Teatime Tattler,

A letter has come to our attention, borrowed by a lady who insists it must be returned before her mother-in-law discovers it is missing. A well born chit, once embroiled in a huge scandal, seems headed toward another.

My dear Gwen,

I hope this letter finds you, John, and my precious granddaughter, Cecily, well. I vow to make the journey to Yorkshire one day to visit, but my bones are tired and cross these days. Perhaps in the fall.

You remember the Moreland’s eldest daughter? I attended her presentation ball and your friend, Emily, was there with her mother. Such a charming girl, but so foolish. Lydia, your sister-in-law saw her dancing with Lord Cardmore. A waltz! Has she no shame? He threw her over and ran off with that chit, Carolyn Woodley, seven years ago. You remember the scandal, do you not? The gel’s mother caught them together in his bedchamber. He claimed it was a trap, but no one believed him.

I am writing to give you some distressing news about your dearest friend, Lady Emily. I hope you can write to her and dissuade her from the disastrous course she is undertaking.

To make matters worse, Lydia insists she saw Lady Emily and Lord Cardmore on the terrace in an improper embrace. I cannot countenance it. The poor gel has lost all sense of self-esteem. Just because Cardmore is a widower and war hero now does not mean she should flaunt propriety and associate with him again. Does she expect to renew their betrothal after he shamefully betrayed her?

I know you think Lydia has a waspish tongue and yes, she does like to tattle, but I’ve always liked Emily and I hate to see her heading for disaster. Plus there’s a terrible rumor afoot that Cardmore is not what he should be, if you get my meaning. We all know he was once overly fond of drink and now they say he is overly fond of the laudanum. Are we destined to allow opium eaters in our midst?

Poor Emily. I hope you can pound some sense in her. I hate to see her become a spinster, but some rogues are not worth it.

Your loving mother

About the Book

Haunted by questions and her own insecurities, Lady Emily Sinclair longs to discover why her betrothed abandoned her and married another. Seven years have passed, but the pain of his betrayal still lingers, buried beneath layers of humiliation and mistrust. When he returns after the Napoleonic Wars, she vows to avoid him. If only her foolish heart felt the same.

Broken and addicted to his medication, widower Andrew Quimby, Lord Cardmore, rattles around his ancient manor, oblivious to his deteriorating health and state of mind. When he learns the woman he was forced to abandon remains unmarried, he vows to try to win her back, even if it means returning to a society he despises.

But Andrew soon discovers he has a secret enemy. Threatening notes appear and sinister accidents put those in his inner circle in danger. Can he overcome his demons in time to keep them safe or will everyone and everything he loves disappear forever.

Buy it here:

About the Author

Author of eight books on California history and fifteen romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who lives in the Nevada desert. Having spent the last three years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading,writing,cooking and keeping up with the antics of Ralph, the Rescue Cat. If you want to learn more about her activities go to and sign up for her quarterly newsletter and occasional blog. Or follow her in these places:






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