Lucinda! Dare I tell you what I heard the other day at my sister’s tea?
I shouldn’t spread such dastardly tales, but the news scarcely bears credence!
I know. I know. Come closer. We’ll sit in this corner near the doors to the garden and I will tell you. We don’t want everyone here to listen in. Why, I’d never forgive myself if such words got out and I was referenced as the one to have told the story!
Well, yes. Settled? No one around us. Hmm. So, here is the tale.
You’ve heard, I am certain, that the Marquess of Ridgemont has had a liaison for the past few months with a certain duchess. Yes, you have? Hmm. And that she is soon to be indisposed for the next six months? Yes. The duke is furious. But he knows not who to blame! Is it Ridgemont? Or perhaps Wales himself? Dastardly choice, isn’t it?
And now there is another problem. Ridgemont is to wed.
Well, yes, yes, everyone knows that. His mama and papa are quite insistent that he do. Finally, he must wed. But he tarries.
Oh, pardon me. I titter! He tarries and dallies, doesn’t he?
I mustn’t snort. So unladylike. Well! Onward with my tale!
Ridgemont is to wed. One of those American gels. The haughty sort. More money than any foolish woman should have. I must throw myself into the nearest ha-ha with outrage…but it is true. Glorious dark-haired, superbly sculpted Ridgemont must wed and get the American dollars he desperately needs.
I hear your question. Which girl, eh?
I do believe it is—
Oh, my! Why, Lord Ridgemont, I did not know you were here! How wonderful to see you!
The garden? With me? You’d like to walk among the roses?
Well. My, my. Let me open my fan. It is so stifling in this drawing room, isn’t it?
You won’t mind, Lucinda, will you, dearest, if I admire the roses with Ridgemont?
No, no, I won’t be but a few minutes.
What’s that, you say, my lord?
More than a few?
Ten, a least?
I say! How flattering and very exciting. Of course, I will take your arm.
I’ll see you later, Lucinda. Don’t whisper a word of this, will you, my dear?
Thank you, thank you.
I am all yours, my dear Ridgemont!

For more about this spicy tidbit, do read SCANDALOUS HEIRESS, THOSE NOTORIOUS AMERICANS, Book 4, by Cerise DeLand.

For more about this spicy tidbit, do read SCANDALOUS HEIRESS, THOSE NOTORIOUS AMERICANS, Book 4, by Cerise DeLand.
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KOBO: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/scandalous-heiress-4

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