Jennifer checked the answering machine for the hundredth time but there was still no word from the police or anyone else as to the whereabouts of her sister Ella. How can one person just disappear into thin air?
It had been over a month since that fateful day at the Fountain of Youth when Jennifer had last seen her. Who had known that a fun day out with the grandchildren would become such a tragedy? She had been crying ever since.
She opened the drawer of her desk and pulled out the sealed bag that contained an old copy of some gossip rag called the Teatime Tattler. Oh how they had laughed when they had read part of the column about someone who claimed they had traveled through time.
Carefully pulling the fragile newsprint out, Jennifer began skimming the pages again until an article she had not read before caused her to gasp.

Oh gentle reader! This tiny tidbit just came across my desk and I knew you would enjoy the tale. Seems like an old parchment was discovered in a hidden metal box at Berwyck Castle. This editor could not help but put this up for your reading pleasure.
S. Clemens
To my dearest sister, Jennifer:
One day you may hopefully come across this and I pray it will put your mind at ease. Aye… time travel is possible! There is no need to look for me in your future life. You will not find me there. Just know that I have found the love of a good man and he is everything I always wished for.
Take a drink from the Fountain of Youth the next time you are there. I give you and the family my love from twelfth-century England.
Ella Fitzpatrick of Clan MacLaren.
Jennifer re-read the words again. With her head spinning, she called for her husband and then passed out cold.
This is a small original piece by Belles Sherry Ewing. Ella Fitzpatrick is the heroine of Sherry’s upcoming novel Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time (Book Four). If you missed the original piece Sherry wrote for the Teatime Tattler, you can find it here: https://bluestockingbelles.net/slipping-through-time/

Ella’s nerves were on edge. That must be why she was feeling so anxious when she noticed Killian making his way across the hall. She reached for her chalice of wine, her fingers trembling before she managed to wrap them around the cup to take a sip without the heady red liquid spilling all over her gown. Perchance she should excuse herself and seek her chamber to rest. That was all she needed. She just had to go and rest before she left Berwyck forevermore to finally meet her destiny.
“He favors you,” Amiria’s voice was a soft whisper barely heard above the lutes playing in her hall.
There was no point in denying that she knew whom Amiria meant. “You are mistaken,” Ella replied taking another sip from her goblet before setting it upon the table. She clutched her hands together upon her lap, her knuckles quickly becoming white. Her heart tapped a ferocious beat inside her chest. This was not happening! Not when she was this close to being reunited with the one man she had crossed time for.
Amiria reached over to clasp her hands, giving them a slight squeeze. Ella turned to look upon her friend, who had given her shelter more times than she could count over the years. Amiria was a beautiful woman with flaming red hair and eyes of violet. She reminded Ella of a Viking shield maiden of old, since Amiria could wield a sword as no other woman of Ella’s acquaintance.
“I have waited many a year for some woman to catch his eye,” Amiria replied, her tone conveyed all the love she felt for the man who had watched over her like her father would have done if he yet lived.
Ella saw Killian’s progress was interrupted when he began having speech with Gregory, another of Dristan’s knights. “I have not caught his eye, my lady. Besides you know my fate lies in another direction.”

Amiria sighed, leaning over towards her husband when he whispered in her ear. She began to rise but bent over to kiss Ella’s cheek. “Be kind to him, Ella. I do not wish to see him hurt.”
Before Ella could make any reply, Amiria left to dance with her husband. They were an impressive pair, the two of them, and she was happy the couple twirling across the floor had found true love. Everyone deserved to find the person who called to them, soul to soul, Ella included.
Killian stood in front of the table clearing his throat, bringing her back to the challenge before her. “Mayhap ye would favor me with a dance, Ella?”
He appeared nervous, but the smile she gave him was genuine when he willingly dropped the whole lady business and called her only by her first name. “Aye, of course, Killian.”
His faced showed the briefest glimpse of relief before a mask of indifference fell into place. He came around the table, gave a courtly bow, and then offered his arm. Hesitant, but curious if she would have the same reaction as when she had touched him earlier, she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow. Her breath hitched at their contact. How could this be happening? She did not understand what was going on with the man who began ushering her through the patterns of a lively tune.
The other dancers upon the floor became a blur, her partner the only one who remained in focus. Each time they came together and touched, small sparks flowed like the sweetest nectar through her body. The sensation warmed her entire being, making it hard to remember the steps of the dance. Her wits surely must be addled as she continued to gaze into the hypnotizing eyes of her partner.
Killian was an accomplished dancer, of that there could be no doubt, despite him always showing the outside world a gruff appearance. He took her by the waist and lifted her high while the dance continued, his arms of steel more than capable of easily picking her up as though she weighed nothing at all. As he lowered her back to the floor, her eyes widened as she slid down his body. Her hands remained on his shoulders as they just stood there, the dance all but forgotten.

Love Will Find You:
The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time (Book Four)Available for PreorderRelease Date: May 19, 2020
Sometimes a moment is all we have…
Ella Fitzpatrick is a woman with a secret. As she comes and goes from Berwyck Castle, seeking refuge within its gates, she yearns to be reunited with the one for whom she crossed time from the twenty-first century. She has lived another lifetime in the twelfth century waiting for the date of their reunion and it is almost upon her. But how could she have known the man she believes she loves is not the person she needs?
Killian of Clan MacLaren has been infatuated with Ella for many a year but has guarded his heart, knowing her affection lies with another. When Ella must flee Berwyck, Killian vows to escort her to her encounter with destiny. But passion flares between them and there is no doubt the bond they have is far greater than either of them expected.
Their time together is running out. Killian has a decision to make that might give him and Ella a future together. If you could change someone’s past, would you seize the moment?
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About Bluestocking Belle Sherry Ewing:
Sherry Ewing picked up her first historical romance when she was a teenager and has been hooked ever since. A bestselling author, she writes historical and time travel romances to awaken the soul one heart at a time. When not writing, she can be found in the San Francisco area at her day job as an Information Technology Specialist.
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