Ladies and Gentlemen, sharp your quills and lend me your ears, for the Teatime Tattler has acquired the most delectable morsel of scandal to grace our esteemed society in many a moon. Yours truly, the venerable Dowager Carol Bustle-Smith, shall waste no time in bestowing upon you the tantalizing tidings that have the tongues of the Ton a-wagging.

It has come to my attention, through reliable and discrete sources, that the elusive haute-couture jeweler and esteemed golden boy of the Ton, Mister Fave Pearler, has entangled his heart in the most enigmatic of betrothals. The object of his affections remains shrouded in mystery, an unfathomable shadow play to even the most discerning nobles among us.

But fear not, dear readers, for I have my ways to uncover the identity of this clandestine rose among thorns and reveal all in due time. For now, let us bask in the glow of the gossip and revel in the speculation that flutters like butterflies through our parlors.

Whispers pour forth from the corners of every ballroom—what secrets do the Pearlers harbor in those vaults as impenetrable as their famed gemstones? Mrs. Eve Pearler, Matriarch of the house, guards her lips with silence as cold and unforgiving as marble. Fear not, for your loyal Carol has devised a brilliant plan. I will host a magnificent house party and invite the Pearler clan to uncover the elusive bride-to-be from her hidden lair.

Will there be a slip of the tongue, a glance too tender, an intimate gesture caught betwixt the greenery? Will the Pearlers’ secret tumble forth like so many pearls scattered from a broken string? Such delicious anticipation sets my heart all aflutter!

Forthwith, I present to you the bountiful backdrop against which this drama shall unfold. In mere days, my opulent estate in Sommerset shall open its doors, thronged with dandies, duchesses, and dignitaries clamoring for a single, life-altering revelation! Speculation abounds that this unknown damsel may be neither a highborn lady nor a fixture of our beloved Almack’s. Could it be a love match that flouts the very conventions upon which our society is built?

The scandal! The sheer audacity of a union formed not from duty, nor advantageous connection! Our Fave Pearler, who could command the hand of any maiden in the land with but a smile, surrenders to heart’s capricious whimsy—a romantic gesture that flares brightly as a beacon of passion against the rigid mores of propriety.

I execute each stroke of this missive with a hand trembling from eager anticipation of the revelations to come. Prepare yourselves for an assembly such as never before witnessed; where the unveil may indeed prove to be the most scintillating, enlightening, and—dare I prognosticate—lucrative moment of our gilded age if the Pearlers open their accounts to reimburse me for my silence once I find out who Fave Pearler’s bride-to-be is?

Until we next convene, I remain the keeper of society’s conscience and the mistress of its most deliciously dark secrets,

The Dowager Carol Bustle-Smith

About The Margins of Love:

Lady Bustle-Smith is the villain in the first book of the Infiltrating the Ton series by Sara Adrien. In Margins of Love, we meet the Pearlers, a Jewish family of jewelers hiding in plain sight among the Ton. He’s indeed trapped to attend Lady Bustle-Smith’s houseparty and he won’t be able to keep his hands off the beautiful Rachel. But what about he girl he’s supposed to marry? How can he reconcile the duty to his family and the love in his heart? Find out how the Pearlers fare in the face of blackmail as they embark upon the Competition for the Crown Jewels that spans this trilogy and brace yourself for a happy ending like no other. Watch the book trailer and get 20% off the trilogy at

About Sara Adrien:

Bestselling author Sara Adrien writes hot and heart-melting regency romance with a Jewish twist. As a law professor-turned-author, she writes about clandestine identities, whims of fate, and sizzling seduction. If you like unique and intelligent characters, deliciously sexy scenes, and the nostalgia of afternoon tea, then you’ll adore Sara Adrien’s tender tear-jerkers. She is the author of the series Infiltrating the Ton, Diamond Dynasty, Check Mates, and Miracles on Harley Street.

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