Gentle Readers:
This just in… A certain young widow (Mrs. J.B.) was seen entering the townhouse of Mrs. C.V. who has been known to recently take in several ex-mistresses of the ton. Is this the next damsel to join her Wicked Widow’s Club? Enquiring minds want to know…
S. Clemens
Editor of the Teatime Tattler

Cassandra Vaughn closed the newspaper, left her settee and went to pour herself a cup of tea. Well… that certainly didn’t take long.
“Is the news that grim, Cassie?” Patience Moore asked entering the room.
“That rag wrote about Josephine,” Cassandra answered a frown marring her brow.
“But… she just arrived last night!
“Exactly my point. How the devil did a reporter learn she was here? Do I have someone camped outside my front door just waiting for a bit of tittle tattle?”
Patience took up the news print and scanned the article. “At least it’s buried on the seventh page,” she said before her eyes widened. “They’re saying we belong to the Wicked Widows Club. Good heavens!”
Cassandra gave a short laugh. “I suppose I’ve been called worse but Josephine is barely hanging on, the poor dear. She’s devastated she was unable to convince Lord de Courtenay to continue their relationship.”
Patience sighed before taking a seat next to her friend. “He’s happily married now. I suppose that is the way of things and how we’ve all managed to find ourselves together here.”
Cassandra stood with a smile. “If the Teatime Tattler is going to say we are this newly founded club, I say let’s give them something to talk about for their next edition. Rouse Josephine and Moriah. I’ll have my carriage brought around in an hour for a ride in Hyde Park.”
Cassandra gave a wink to Patience as the two women continued to conspire as to what their outing would lead to. The possibilities were endless.
This is a short original piece referring to Mrs. Josephine Bouchard who was the ex-mistress of Lord Adrian de Courtenay from The Earl Takes A Wife.

He watched when her perfect little mouth lifted up into an enchanting smile. This young woman needed to be kissed and often. “Do you think so?” he asked, stepping closer, wishing to teach her a lesson. Her eyes widened. Was this just a game to her? Was she as flirtatious as his younger sister Miranda had become? No… something sincere shone in her face. The girl had no hidden agendas… or did she?
“W-why, y-yes… of c-course, I am,” she stuttered, suddenly appearing unsure of herself as her confidence in their situation tipped and not in her favor.
He lifted her chin with one finger to stare into her sparkling blue eyes. If she was expecting to be kissed, she would be sadly mistaken. He did not dally with troublesome virgins. He did not. He had a mistress who could see to his needs. Still… he leaned forward, and a soft floral scent swirled around his senses.
“You have a lot to learn about men, little one,” Adrian whispered into her ear and felt her shiver. He should not be teasing her so, but he could not seem to help himself. “Trust me when I tell you to set your cap for someone else. You are far too young for me.”
Her hand went to his arm as though to hold on for support. “You sound as though you are ancient, my lord. I am certainly old enough to become your wife.”
“Wife?” he exclaimed, stepping back as though she had the plague. Heaven forbid! She was set on a marriage between them. “Whatever makes you think I am ready to take a wife?”
Her brows met as she pondered. “Certainly you must be considering marriage to someone, my lord. Why not let that lady be me?”
Damn, she was a brave one and far more outspoken than he thought for someone of her tender years. Before he could answer her outrageous bid to become his wife, they heard her name being called from down the hallway.
Once more taking hold of his arm, she pulled him forward before lifting herself up on the tips of her toes to place a quick kiss upon his cheek. “Please wait for me, Adrian…” she whispered in a soft plea against his ear. Without waiting for his answer, she picked up the hem of her dress and ran from the room.
Adrian stood there, stunned. Where had his little sparrow found the nerve to leave him with her kiss? He lifted his hand to his cheek, still feeling the warmth of her breath on his face. He needed a few minutes to compose himself before he could join his sisters in their carriage. Taking a deep breath, he shut the library door and left Hollystone Hall. Once in London, he turned to his usual gentlemanly pursuits and tried to forget the lovely Lady Celia. She would haunt his dreams for many months to come…

The Earl Takes A Wife:
A de Courtenay Novella (Book Two)
By Sherry Ewing
It began with a memory, etched in the heart.
Lady Celia Lacey is too young for a husband, especially man-about-town Lord Adrian de Courtenay. But when she meets him at a house party, she falls in love and cannot get him out of her mind. Will he ever think she is old enough to become his wife?
Adrian finds the appealing innocent impossible to forget, though she is barely out of the schoolroom and a relative by marriage. If they are constantly in each other’s company, then how can he move on without her?
His sister’s deceptions bring them together but destroys their happiness. Can they reach past the hurt to the love that still burns?
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About Bluestocking Belle Sherry Ewing:
Sherry Ewing picked up her first historical romance when she was a teenager and has been hooked ever since. A bestselling author, she writes historical and time travel romances to awaken the soul one heart at a time. When not writing, she can be found in the San Francisco area at her day job as an Information Technology Specialist.
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