Because history is fun and love is worth working for

The Shame of It All

Mr. Clemens,

Shame upon you. Shame, I say. You have done nothing to suppress and eradicate the pen works of the hussies known as the Bluestocking Belles. Bluestockings, hah! As poor a substitute for womanhood as an erudite female may be, these so-called Belles shame all bluestockings by association. In fact, as representatives of my gender they shame me.

I called upon you, sir, to intervene and preserve the purity of womanhood, but did you? NO! You did not, sir. In fact, I’ve been given to understand that you attended the recent debauch disguised as a “Cover Reveal Party.” Word has it there was a half-naked gentleman (though I hesitate to call a kilted Scot a gentleman) in attendance. Heaven knows what other moral turpitude ensued, as I refused to listen to any discussion of the Belles and their doings.

I am most disappointed, sir. Indeed, you appear to encourage these women even so far as to accept money from them in exchange for advertising their scurrilous writings. I urge you, Sir. Change. Your. Ways. The almighty will see you punished. All this poor female can do is to boycott your scandal sheet and encourage others not to allow evil to profit. You shall not receive another letter from me, as I’ve no desire to participate in any enterprise destined for perdition.

With great fear for your soul,

A Concerned Society Matron

*To Our Readers,

The Tattler can offer no words adequate in response to the above letter. We have always and shall always maintain editorial distance from all who write us to express their opinions. For we all know the worth of opinions. In the interest of fair play we, include here one of the advertisements referenced above so that you may judge for yourself how scandalous (or not) is the cover of the Bluestocking Belles most recent publication.


Do Not Censor Our Reading Beg the Ladies


The Tragedy of the Town Hall’s Lady


  1. Lizzi Tremayne

    LOL 🙂 xx

  2. Alison

    Love this 💖💖

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