Because history is fun and love is worth working for

Tag: Viking ring


The ring recently sold by auction by Bowker, Bowker and Bowker is not the famous ring of Follow Your Star Home, or if it is, the ring does not work.

Your intrepid reporter can state this categorically, since he managed to borrow it from the auctioneer to try its power. His sister wore it for a whole afternoon, and was not united with the young man she desired.

The Teatime Tattler leaves no stone unturned to bring you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, no matter the scandal.

We caution readers that the auctioneer could not prove that said ring was the ring in the stories, which continue on the Belles’ blog hop.

Does the true ring bring true lovers together? Could it be that your reporter’s sister is merely infatuated, and not truly in love? Could it be that the ring is a fake, while the true ring is the real deal? Read the stories, dear reader, and make up your own mind. And while you do, listen to the playlist chosen by the authors for each story.

Magic Ring is Superstitious Nonsense

To Mr. Clemens, Editor of The Teatime Tattler, London.


I protest the nonsense currently being printed in your formerly esteemed publication. Rings that change size from one wearer to the next? Rings that act as a love potion? Rings that—for Heaven’s sake—take their wearer through time itself?

You are supporting a hoax, good sir.

I have no objection to fiction, and the good ladies known as the Bluestocking Belles are welcome to purvey their nonsense stories to amuse those in need of light relief from the serious business of living. But you have gone too far, sir, with the recent nonsense from a member of the cloth who should know better.

Cease and desist, I beg of you. Let people read Follow Your Star Home, especially since all 600 pages are currently on special at less than a United States dollar. Let them read for free the shorter tales of the Belles’ blog hop. But do not not confuse fiction with reality and encourage your readers to do the same.


A scientifically minded lady.

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