Dear Readers,
Like many of you, last night witnessed the scandalous, public ruination of Lady Constance Stuart at the Renshaw Ball by Mr Aaron Wincanton. Mr Wincanton, who has recently returned a hero from the Peninsular, and Lady Constance were found in flagrante in the library by none other than the lady’s own fiancé and a huge crowd of eager onlookers. However, what you may not yet know, is that despite the bitter feud between the two families I received word that Lord Aaron procured a special licence and married the girl before the sun had risen the very next morning. The unlikely newlyweds removed themselves promptly from town to honeymoon at the Wincanton estate- Ardleigh Manor. Obviously, spurred on by my desire to provide you, dear rear, with all of the pertinent facts, I followed. Fortunately, the groom himself granted me this short interview which I print here for your titillation and amusement.
S. Clemens
Lord Aaron, it is fair to say your hasty marriage surprised a great many of us, especially in view of the long and bitter feud between the Stuart and Wincanton families and the fact that Lady Constance was already engaged to the Marquis of Deal. Is it true, the Earl of Redbridge has disowned his only daughter?
That is merely rumour and speculation. The earl happily gave us his blessing to marry. We had a cosy ceremony in his own study.
Then the three-hundred-year old feud is over?
Not exactly. Relations between our respective fathers are still… tense, however, I am hopeful, given time, this situation will improve once they see how happy my darling Constance and I am together.
That is interesting and contrary to what I have been told. My sources have reliably informed me that Lady Constance said, and I quote, ‘I would rather be cast out onto the streets than marry a vile Wincanton’ just minutes before the wedding ceremony. Those are hardly the words of a happy woman.
My Connie has a warped sense of humour at times Mr Clemens. She was merely joking. We are deeply in love. We tried to resist our strong feelings for each other, but alas, we could not. Like Romeo and Juliet, our love was too strong for a silly feud to prevent us from being together. But unlike Romeo and Juliet, our love story has a happy ending.
I see- if you do not mind me saying, that is a very impressive, purple bump you are sporting on your forehead. I overheard the servants saying you received it when your devoted, love-struck wife threw a projectile at you. Would you care to comment?
Oh that was merely a misunderstanding. One of those silly tiffs couples have from time to time. Connie discovered me reading The Taming of the Shrew and assumed I was consulting the play for tips on how to deal with her. She threw the book at me- quite literally as it turned out- because like all redheads she does have a fiery temper. I can assure you all is cordial between us again now.
Lady Constance does have rather vibrant red hair and she is a very… statuesque woman. Has she forgiven you for branding her with the unfortunate nickname you gave her at her come-out?
Again, another misunderstanding Mr Clemens. Connie is well aware I said what I did in jest and I had no idea the name would stick for so many years. In fact, I was shocked to hear it still being used when I returned from the war.
She must be a very understanding lady indeed to not be offended at being called the Ginger Amazonian, especially as the name has stuck. I do believe your expression gives you away Mr Wincanton. Did I just see you wince?
I am not particularly proud of myself Mr Clemens, if that is what you are alluding to, however Constance is a forgiving, good-natured woman and she realises I was very young and foolish when I came up with that terrible name. It is all water under the bridge now that we are so happily married.
So happily married that she throws books at you and has locked herself in her bedchamber and has refused to come out since her arrival?
I shan’t keep you Mr Clemens. It is a long drive back to London and I am sure you are keen to be on your way…
About the Book
Scandal broke last night when Lady Constance Stuart was discovered in the arms of Aaron Wincanton, the son of her family’s greatest enemy! But now we can reveal an even more shocking development. Our sources say a special license was obtained and the two were married before sunrise!
It’s been confirmed that Aaron has stolen his new bride away to the country to begin their unexpected marriage. We’ll be watching closely to see exactly what happens when a gentleman invites his enemy into his bed…
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About the Author
When Virginia Heath was a little girl it took her ages to fall asleep, so she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. As she got older, the stories became more complicated, sometimes taking weeks to get to the happy ending. Then one day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Her first Regency Romance, That Despicable Rogue, was published in May 2016 by Harlequin and Her Enemy at the Altar is published this month. Despite this, it still takes her forever to fall asleep.