Hunh! Countess of Reddington, here with a warning for you. To whit:

A house party that will tickle your fancy…not your nostril hairs! (Of all ridiculous accusations! Lady Reddington, you are minx!)
I do marvel at Countess of Marsden and her social calendar. I mean, she is older, you know, and yet she persists in hostessing soirees that meet the stunning standards of Prinny himself!
Why only today, I received an invitation from her. She is selling…pardon me, trying to secure husbands for her three nieces. For that, she hosts a house party that will be, dare I say, notorious.
Well, why wouldn’t you believe that when we all know that she has…most indiscreetly, too…engaged in a most improper relationship with one man. Who, you ask?
Dare I tell you?
I will.
I cannot resist.
A duke, no less.
And she has invited him to this house party! As well as dozens of others.
Why, here is her invitation!
The Countess of Marsden
the pleasure of your company
at her home on the North Steyne in Brighton
December 21-December 28, 1815.
She welcomes you to dining, dancing,
charades, cards and match-making
for her nieces and guests.
Even, dear me, herself!
Card-sharps, smugglers, lecherous lords are not invited.
But many forlorn ladies in search of lost loves, a randy butler
and a certain older gentleman whom the Countess adores
will not attend.
Yet she suspects they will appear!
Répondez s’il vous plait!
Do not go!
I warn you. Do not. She will regale you with stories that are fit for no one’s ears.
No one…but mine, of course.
Only mine!
Christmas Belles
The Scandalous Christmas House Party where everyone falls in love