Ella Fitzpatrick sat on a bench watching her sister’s grandchildren playing nearby. Jennifer had insisted that Ella accompany her family on an outing to the Fountain of Youth. She had been here many times in the past but for whatever reason she was uneasy. She scanned the area. There was nothing to be afraid of. It was a beautiful day, the children were laughing, and she was certainly not alone as one tourist after another passed her by.
She shrugged off the premonition that something bad was about to happen. Instead, she reached into her purse and pulled out an old newspaper sealed in a protective covering. An old friend had sent it to her thinking she might enjoy it. Considering Ella was always looking for something of the past to uncover, she was sure to enjoy this bit of history. Perhaps that’s why she loved living in St. Augustine, Florida. The place was surrounded by a past life lost long ago.

The Teatime Tattler… she began carefully pursuing the dated copy and smothered a laugh as she read about someone who claimed they had traveled to the past and twelfth-century England. No one could travel through time, for heaven’s sake! What kind of fool did her friend take her for?
Jennifer came over and sat down. “What are you reading?” she asked.
Ella handed over the copy. “Just some old gossip rag from the Regency era. I think my friend Raymond is trying to get the better of me.”
Her sister looked at several of the pages. “It looks legit, although why would anyone want to read such trash is beyond me. And traveling through time? Please…”
“Exactly my thoughts,” Ella replied with a chuckle. “I think Raymond is trying to tell me I read too many romance novels.”
“I might have to agree with him,” Jennifer said with a raised brow. “I know a lovely man from church who…”
A low moan came from Ella’s throat before she held up her hand and stood. “No.”
“But, Ella…”
“I said no! Please stop trying to fix me up with men whom you think might make me a good husband. If I haven’t found him on my own by now, I’m certainly not going to find him through you or any of our other siblings.”
“We just want you to be happy,” Jennifer said with a worried frown.
“Who said I’m not happy?” Ella scoffed as she watched her sister open and close her mouth several times. They meant well but it was becoming more and more irritating that they couldn’t believe Ella was happy living on her own. Or was she? She glanced at her sister’s grandchildren playing in the distance and a small measure of envy filled her heart.
Jennifer reached out and grabbed Ella’s hand. “You know how much we all love you, sis.”
“And I love you but you’ve got to stop trying to play matchmaker,” Ella replied. “I think I’ll go for a walk. I’ll meet you all back at the planetarium in an hour.”
“Don’t you want this?” Jennifer asked holding out the pages of the Teatime Tattler.
Ella laughed. “You keep it or better yet, throw it in the garbage. I have no idea what Raymond thought I would find interesting in something so silly as an old article about some deranged person claiming they slipped through time.”

Ella left her sister and the children behind. The path she walked was eerily empty but she ignored that feeling in the pit of her stomach for a second time. She should have watched where she was walking. One moment she was pondering the fact she never found someone to love and the next she stepped into a glowing ring of rocks and slipped through time…
This is an original piece by Belle Sherry Ewing. Ella Fitzpatrick is the heroine in Sherry’s soon to be released novel, Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time (Book 4). Read on to learn more about this long-awaited novel.
Yanking on the reins of his mount, Killian moved forward to stand before Ella. Looping the leather straps around the pommel, he offered her his assistance in order to mount the huge animal.
“May I, Lady Ella?” he inquired, holding out his hand to her.
She gave a weary sigh. There was no sense in attempting to remain indifferent to the orders he had been given. “If you must obey your lord, then I suppose I must too. But for heaven’s sake, please call me Ella.”
“’Tis not seemly ye should ask such of me, my lady.”
Her brow rose at his obstinacy. ’Twas most irritating and she preferred to forget the part of her past that made such a statement true. “I must insist. I do not profess to be a lady of high rank and refuse to be treated as such. I am just Ella.”
He turned his back on her momentarily, walking towards the ocean waves grumbling to himself about the stubbornness of some women. He returned with his decision. “If ye insist, then I must needs humor ye, I suppose. Let us away, Ella.”
“A wise choice, Sir Killian.”
“Just Killian,” he replied, and his eyes twinkled in suppressed merriment, as if he expected her to resist dropping all formality between them.
With a small smile, she nodded her head. “Killian, then.”

Love Will Find You:
The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time (Book Four)
Available for Preorder
Release Date: May 19, 2020
Sometimes a moment is all we have…
Ella Fitzpatrick is a woman with a secret. As she comes and goes from Berwyck Castle, seeking refuge within its gates, she yearns to be reunited with the one for whom she crossed time from the twenty-first century. She has lived another lifetime in the twelfth century waiting for the date of their reunion and it is almost upon her. But how could she have known the man she believes she loves is not the person she needs?
Killian of Clan MacLaren has been infatuated with Ella for many a year but has guarded his heart, knowing her affection lies with another. When Ella must flee Berwyck, Killian vows to escort her to her encounter with destiny. But passion flares between them and there is no doubt the bond they have is far greater than either of them expected.
Their time together is running out. Killian has a decision to make that might give him and Ella a future together. If you could change someone’s past, would you seize the moment?
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About Bluestocking Belle Sherry Ewing:
Sherry Ewing picked up her first historical romance when she was a teenager and has been hooked ever since. A bestselling author, she writes historical and time travel romances to awaken the soul one heart at a time. When not writing, she can be found in the San Francisco area at her day job as an Information Technology Specialist.
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