Gentle Reader:
Is anyone surprised to learn that Miss Margaret Templeton, a mere vicar’s daughter, is acting as hostess for Captain Sander Morledge’s Christmas party? This reporter has learned Miss Templeton has arrived at the Captain’s estate and has begun preparations for the party… a party that is sure to be an event that most of the ton will covet an invitation to attend.
The festivities are to include skating, sledding, and of course the search for the yule log and Christmas tree. This appears to be quite the domestic scene for Miss Templeton to undertake that would usually be handled by the lady of the manor. One must remember the Captain’s recent loss of his first wife. Will his party include an announcement of an impending wedding? We must wait and see…
Anonymous Reporter
For the Teatime Tattler
Under the Mistletoe by Bluestocking Belle Sherry Ewing is currently sitting in the Belles’ holiday box set Holiday Escapes. Keep reading to learn more about the set and an excerpt!

Margaret hung back to enjoy a moment to herself. She was grateful to her mother’s friend for welcoming her so warmly. If only the woman was not driven to show her the many sights of London, as though Margaret had never been here before.
She returned her attention to a portrait of a seventeenth century woman. The artist had captured her to perfection, painting the gown in exquisite detail, so that Margaret felt she could almost reach out to feel the actual pale blue fabric of material.
“What a beauty,” a male voice whispered behind her.
Margaret’s face flushed. She knew that voice, and that tone. That familiar low timbre had teased her many times in their youth. “Yes, she is indeed. See how the painter caught her expression in her eyes,” she replied, trying to sound calm as her heart raced with his nearness. “I wonder what she was staring at that caused her smile.”

The man chuckled softly and leaned closer. She could have sworn she felt the heat of his body through the fabric of her redingote. “I was not talking about the painting, Margaret.”
Catching her breath hearing her given name pass his lips, she, at last, turned to face the man whose offer of marriage she had rejected.
“Good day, Lord Beacham. How good to see you again after all these many years.” Was that breathy voice really her own? She curtseyed and held out her gloved hand. He took it, bowing low, and she tried to remain calm even though her heart was beating wildly in her chest.
Frederick rose, his roughish grin melting her heart. “After all the years we have known one another, I would think you would know there is no need to address me so formally, or for me to be formal with you, I would hope.”
“I am sure first names are hardly appropriate, my lord, given the circumstances of our last parting,” Margaret whispered with a shaky voice and trembling chin. She had hurt him with her refusal, she knew. How could they return to their old friendship?

Holiday Escapes
By The Bluestocking Belles
Holidays, relatives, pressure to marry—sometimes it is all too much. Is it any wonder a woman may need to escape? The heroines in this collection of stories aren’t afraid to take matters into their own hands when they’ve had enough.
The Ultimate Escape, by Susana Ellis – On the eve of her wedding, Julia needs to take a moment to consider what she is doing, and where better than 100 years in the past? Unfortunately, Oliver finds a way to chase her through time.
Under the Mistletoe, by Sherry Ewing – Margaret Templeton will settle for Captain Morledge’s hand in marriage, until she sees the man she once loved at her second-best bridegroom’s Christmas party.
Gingerbread Bride, by Jude Knight – Travelling with her father’s fleet has not prepared Mary Pritchard for London. When she strikes out on her own, she finds adventure, trouble, and her girlhood hero, riding once more to her rescue.
A Dangerous Nativity, by Caroline Warfield – With Christmas coming, can the Earl of Chadbourn repair his widowed sister’s damaged estate, and far more damaged family? Dare he hope for love in the bargain?
These stories are republished here at 20% of the cost of collecting them all from each individual author.
Two bonus short stories round out the collection.
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About Bluestocking Belle Sherry Ewing:
Sherry Ewing picked up her first historical romance when she was a teenager and has been hooked ever since. A bestselling author, she writes historical and time travel romances to awaken the soul one heart at a time. When not writing, she can be found in the San Francisco area at her day job as an Information Technology Specialist.
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