Dateline Late Fall, 1869

It is with no small degree of regret and sorrow for the survivors that this publication announces Baron Steaphan MacKai has been declared as presumed dead by the Scottish courts.
The baron, whose property, MacKai Keep, lies on the extreme northwest coast of Scotland, is Laird of Clan MacKai and known to be mourned by all his clansmen. He is survived by his widow Baroness Eulalie Marguerite MacKie nee Collins and his only sister The Honorable Miss Aisla Sarah MacKai.

While The Honorable Miss MacKai has never attended social events in London, readers may recall from two years past the surprising and abrupt marriage of Baron MacKai and Miss Eulalie Collins an American heiress from Boston Massachusetts. to which place she returned in the last year. In response to our telegraph enquiry, Miss Collins, now the dowager Baroness MacKai declined to comment on the circumstances surrounding the courts decision. However, our sources have discovered that it was she who petitioned the courts to have her husband declared dead so that she might wed a fellow American without burden of bigamy.

Rumor has it that the Baron was lost at sea during a storm when he was on his way to lead troops in the British colony of Ceylon. While two years is a great length of time, one cannot wonder that perhaps the newly minted widow was preciptous in changing her affections. Witness how our revered monarch who to this day remains in mourning for her beloved Prince Albert. The Tattler will watch for developments with interest.
Forever Hold My Heart is a novella that relates the problems faced by Baron MacKai’s sister Aisla when she learns that the crown is about to take her home away from her. *Previously published in the Bluestocking Belles Boxset, Follow Your Star Home.
Losing Caibre MacFearann’s love once hurt so much that Aisla MacKai wants nothing to do with him when a blizzard brings the man to her doorstep. Kindness and human charity require that she give him shelter, no matter that her poor heart had never mended.
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About Rue Allyn: Author of historical and contemporary romances, I fell in love with happily ever after the day I heard my first story. (Yes, I was a precocious little brat who read at the age of two, but I could hear much earlier than that.) I studied literature for far too many years before discovering that writing stories was much more fun than writing about them. Heck, as an author, I get to read the story before anyone else. I am happily married to my sweetheart of many, many years. Insatiably curious, an avid reader and traveler I love to hear from readers about your favorite books and real-life adventures. Crazy Cat stories are especially welcome. You can send me your words of wisdom . . . Don’t shake your head at me; all words are wise in one context or another. You can trust me on this; I’m an author. As I was saying, you can send your words of wisdom, humor, and friendship to me at Can’t wait to hear from you.
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