Dear Mr. Clemens,
It is my duty as an honest and upright citizen to warn those in Society that a pernicious personage lives in their midst. Miss M. P. C–and I use that term Miss lightly for she has the morals of an alley cat–left her home on the Welsh border in shame. The licentious behaviour that caused her removal resulted in the death of both her parents, dare I say from grief that the daughter they had raised so betrayed the values and propriety they had tried to instill.
When and how she made her way to London, I know not. I was appalled to discover that Her Grace of H. had extended her patronage to Miss M. P. C and found the young woman a position as almoner at the Benevolent Pauper’s Hospital of the Apostles. Despite Her Grace’s undoubted good character, permitting a woman of Miss M. P. C.’s dubious character to fill the office of Almoner is not to be tolerated.
An Almoner is a person tasked with aiding the sick and injured with financial and social concerns. Such a person must be above reproach, a thing Miss M. P. C definitely is not.
I beg of you, Mr. Clemens, and your readership. Use the authority given you by the power of the pen and initiate a campaign to see this reprehensible woman removed from her position and transported from the shores of England.
Yours, Mr. D. C., a very concerned citizen
Our readers will note that The Teatime Tattler has no knowledge of Miss M. P. C. prior to receiving this letter from Mr. D. C. As every story has at least two if not more versions, we welcome information from additional sources so that we may provide our readers with the most accurate details.

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Lori Dykes
I cannot wait! Love you all!❤️
Rue Allyn
Love you back, Lori.
Alison Pridie
Oh this is going to be so wonderful 💖