Dearest Sister:
You asked me to write you about all that happened at the event of the year, begged me to give an account of the guest of honor, the Contessa Sinatore. I cannot write all now, but I promise to relate much more when I have the time. This amazing anecdote must suffice for the moment.
I secured a country dance with the Contessa. A fine dancer, she is very tall and certainly athletic enough to accomplish all that you have read about her heroics. After the dance, I had the temerity to ask how she accomplished the rescue of the child. “What techniques did you employ to climb the manor wall?”
Before she could answer, among the many notables gathered around her, Lord Litton interjected, “Tut, tut there, Downey. Quite an unfair question, my boy. You cannot expect a woman to explain the technical skills involved. Far outside a woman’s ken. Common knowledge, don’t you know?” He embarrassed me, as though tutoring a child. “It is unfair to expect more of women, particularly from the darker, southern European cultures.”
Several other men nodded sagely and murmured “Quite right, Lord Litton, quite right.”
I didn’t know how to respond. Should I apologize to the Contessa? I was saved by her. She laid a hand on my sleeve and with a devilish smile said, “Do not trouble yourself, Mr. Downey. Adam had similar questions concerning women.”
A Parliamentarian, Mr. Quagmire asked, “And how is that, my lady?”

“I guess you haven’t heard the story.” She leaned in and everyone leaned closer to hear her. “In the Garden of Eden, Adam went to God one day to ask him why he had made the woman Eve the way he had.”
Several men smiled and said they hadn’t heard it. “As they walked in the Garden, Adam asked God, ‘Why did you make women so beautiful?’”
“God answered, ‘So you would like them.’”
She had Adam answer, “Then why did you make them so soft and cuddly?” The men chuckled at this, looking at each other with near leers on their faces. I felt the need to say something, but the Contessa continued in a deep voice, “And God answered. ‘So you would enjoy holding them for your comfort.’”
“’Yes, marvelous,’ said Adam, ‘but why, why did you make them so stupid?’”
The men roared their laughter, until Cassandra held up a hand and they quieted before she spoke.
“‘Well, my boy,’ God said, ‘I wanted them to like you too.”
I must tell you, sister, it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud at the stunned looks, mumbles and ‘umphs’ all around. The Contessa was saved from any complications by the Earl of Drayton, who quickly claimed her for the next set.
I knew you would enjoy that recollection. I will write with more about the Contessa when I can.
Your Loving Brother,
About the Book

A Cat Burglar is Thrust Back in Time
Art Thief Cassie Sinatore: Shackled and dressed in a neon orange jumpsuit, she awaits extradition at Heathrow Airport. An accident with a nearby experimental radar plane throws Cassie back in time, dumping her in a wooded countryside. The rider who discovers her is charismatic, more compelling than any man she has ever met. She chalks up the man’s Regency outfit and odd behavior to the eccentricity of the rich. Or maybe he is just a nutbar, but the man is offering a ride.
Lord Ross Kerrington: The new Earl of Drayton, having returned from the wars in 1815, finds the Kerrington family in turmoil, lunatic women who make him consider returning to the army. The alluring woman he discovers in the estate’s Greyfield Woods strikes him as equally mad. The woman wears bizarre attire, acting with a peculiar cheekiness that borders on insolence. Considering the very real dangers a madwoman faces encountering the surrounding inhabitants, he decides to bring her home until he can decide what to do with her. Unexpectedly, his family has other ideas.
Meeting the Kerrington family, Cassie finally realizes she is trapped 200 years in the past. Faced with the frightening situation, she resolves to win her independence using her cat-burglar skills. Then things get complicated.
Against her will, she finds herself caring about the Kerrington family, fighting a powerful attraction to the very proper Ross. Dependent on the Kerringtons’ good will, Cassie finds it increasingly difficult to navigate London society, the family, and even more, her growing passion for Ross.
Besides, someone is trying to kill him.
Stealing Time is available for Amazon Kindle.
BW Haggart’s Website will premier at the same time offering more information, blogs and book reviews.
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