Landon entered White’s and asked for a drink. His dreams had been trying as of late, the mysterious lady who haunted his nights visiting him often and was beginning to invade his every thought. If he could only drink away her beauty, forget about it, make on with his life as if she did not exist…
With a start, he realized a man had sat beside him, his shoulders hunched, his face closed.
For whatever reason, perhaps because he felt a sudden kinship with the man whose eyes seemed to mirror the growing swell of emotions Landon himself felt, he cleared his throat. “Would you like a drink?” he asked.
“Ale,” the man said after a moment. “The stronger the better.”
Landon ordered one, and it wasn’t until they had shared several rounds without a word that the man felt moved to speak further.
“This be a strange place,” he remarked, glancing around.
Landon frowned. “Have you never been before?” White’s was a staple, where a man could enjoy drink and dice and cards and more.
“Never been to anywhere here,” the man muttered. He glanced around some more and then leaned in close. “Can you be… Who are you?”
“Landon Philamore.”
“A lord, I take it.”
Landon nodded. “And yourself?”
“Sir Gerald of Hanover.”
The man seemed to want to say more, and Landon waited, giving the man time to reason through his thoughts.
“Do you think,” Gerald said slowly, but then he halted.
“I think I great many things.” Landon would have smiled, but the man’s countenance bore too heavy a burden. “Tell me what ails you.”
“I do not think…” Gerald took a deep breath and then said in a rush, “I am not from this time.”
At once, Landon’s heart began to race. The lady from his dreams, the things she sometimes said, her mannerisms, her jokes… On more than one occasion, he suspected the same thing of her.
“I know I must sound daft,” Gerald continued.
“I think you need another drink,” Landon said.
At Gerald’s nod, Landon motioned for two more drinks.
“What is it that you miss most from your time?” Landon asked.
“You believe me?”
He shrugged. “It matters not what I believe. Your beliefs take priority.”
“I do not know what I belief, what I think, who I love.” Gerald stared glumly at his mug.
“Well, I believe that love can transcend anything. Even those from other lands… or other times.”
“Do you?” Gerald asked, the light of hope shining in his eyes for the first time since they began their conversation.
“Yes,” Landon said firmly, but whether he said it for Gerald’s sake or his own, he could not be certain…
Landon is the hero in The Test of Time, whereas Gerald is the hero in Love Before Honor.
Katia jumps at the chance to go to England with her best friend after Rose ditches her deadbeat boyfriend. While walking through the market, she spies a large mansion and recognizes the guy out front as her high school friend Tony. Just as they start to reconnect, Katia passes through times and lands in the arms of Lord Landon, who looks like Tony but certainly doesn’t act like him.
Soon, Katia learns that this 1815 is different from the one in history books. Trapped in a parallel world, Katia struggles to not fall for Landon but his charm proves too much for her. Just when she is about to confess her love for him, Katia travels through time yet again.
The course of love never did run smooth and if Katia can’t figure out and master the test of time, she’ll never see her friends again, or worse, never be reunited with Landon.
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Nicole is one of the Belles. You can learn more about her here.