A Shocking Tale out of Bath

Dear Readers,

In our quest to provide you with the latest on dits, we have recently obtained a copy of a correspondence from two ladies with some interesting information from Bath. Read on!

Dear Felicity,

I hope you continue well and that your recent visit here to take the waters has proved beneficial. I did so enjoy being able to share with you the delights of this pleasant town and hope that your good health continues.

Now, do you recall Molland’s, the charming pastry shop we visited on Milsom Street, the one with the delicious pastries? I’m sure you do, we both rather indulged ourselves, if I recall.

Anyway, that is by the by. Feeling the need for some sustenance, I made another visit to Molland’s only the other day.  As you know, I am not one for gossip, but I must tell you what I observed.

I took my usual seat near the window as it gives one a wonderful view of the passers-by. I ordered a pot of tea and a Bath bun, to which as you know, I am very partial. I’d barely poured the first cup when a most imposing gentleman came in. I say imposing, he was very tall and what I could see of his face at that point, for it was obscured by a hat pulled down low, was rather dark complexioned. My guess is he had recently returned from overseas.

The gentleman then took himself to the darkest corner of the shop; I could only view him by contorting my neck to such an extreme that I quite thought I’d do myself a mischief.

But what a sight! I very near had to resort to my vinaigrette, such was the horror of his visage. So badly scarred that it was not fit to be seen by any female with pretensions to sensibility.

Thank goodness, I have a strong constitution, so the enjoyment of my Bath bun was not curtailed.

Some time later, the gentleman left (I thought it wise to remain and observe which direction he should take before I myself departed). Having crossed the road, he seemed about to enter Earl’s Emporium. What should happen, but he collided with a young woman, almost knocking her over. She appeared a respectable young woman, dressed plainly, not the showy sort at all.

Now, I cannot say for certain that this collision was deliberate, but the following events would seem to suppose that it was. He took her by the arm, and after a short discussion, he led her into the shop. Now, my dear, what do you think? Had he importuned an innocent young lady? I cannot sleep for thinking about it. Should I have abandoned my tea and bun to forestall what I am sure will be the ruination of an innocent young lady?

I’m afraid that I do not know the outcome of this event as I was forced to leave Molland’s shortly after – any longer, and it would have been necessary to order another pot of tea, which was beyond my pecuniary means.

Yours ever,


A Winter’s Romance: A Regency Anthology

Penny Hampson, Audrey Harrison, Christina Dudley, GL Robinson, Jayne Davis, and Judith Hale Everett are pleased to present a collection of short stories perfect for warming you up this winter! A Christmas Wish, by Penny Hampson, will be of interest to anyone reading Cassandra Cavendish’s letter: When a disfigured army officer inherits the guardianship of a young girl, he never dreams she would be in the charge of a charming and pretty teacher.

Available for preorder on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/Winters-Romance-Regency-Anthology-ebook/dp/B0DG3R12L1




Penny Hampson writes mysteries, and because she has a passion for history, you’ll find her stories also reflect that. A Gentleman’s Promise, a traditional Regency romance, was Penny’s debut novel and the first of her Gentlemen Series. There are now three novels in the series, with the fourth, An Adventurer’s Contract, due to be released by the end of 2024.

Penny lives with her family in Oxfordshire, and when she is not writing, she enjoys reading, walking, swimming, and the odd gin and tonic (not all at the same time).

 For more on Penny’s writing, visit her blog: https://pennyhampson.co.uk/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/penny_hampson

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Instagram: @pennyhampsonauthor/

Penny’s books are all available on Amazon: viewauthor.at/Pennysbooks