Because history is fun and love is worth working for

Tag: Dragonblade Publishing

What Happened Behind Closed Doors?

Dateline June 1818

Dear Readers,

We interrupt our regular discussion of events in the metropolis to relay a report from one of our correspondents in the country. We hope our readers recall the hullaballoo that occurred at the Duke of C’s starlight ball in April, but in case any have forgotten, allow us to remind you that Lady H was caught kissing the newly-married Col. L. This is no speculation, but incontrovertible fact, having been witnessed by many persons of note. Naturally, Lady H’s family packed her off to the country—specifically, to a vicarage in Lancashire occupied by her brother, Lord F.

One might have hoped that Lady H had learned her lesson, but such seems not to be the case. This author has been informed that during Lady H’s very own birthday celebration, she disappeared from the ballroom in the company of a young curate, Mr. B. We would not wish to think ill of any man of a cloth, but Mr. B and Lady H were gone from the ballroom for nearly a quarter of an hour. Rumor has it they were closeted together in an empty chamber; one can only speculate as to what transpired therein.

What happened behind closed doors may forever remain a mystery, but this author wonders if Lady H, having already soiled her good name, is now flaunting propriety entirely. Perhaps she is willing to offer liberties to any good-looking man who desires them. A shocking thing to imply about a peer’s daughter, you say? Indeed, but some misadventure must have occurred. Why else would Mr. B abruptly depart from the gathering, without a word of farewell to any of the other guests?

Our correspondent also reports that when Lady H returned to the ballroom, she appeared pale and distraught. Indeed, it was bruited about that she had been indisposed by a “bad headache.” But we question whether a mere headache—no matter how painful—could account for all the concern shown by her family. Her brother, Lord F, was observed looking “surprisingly grim,” while the hostess of the party (reputedly Lady H’s natural cousin!) spent the rest of the evening hovering by Lady H’s side.

Altogether, we think a scandal may be brewing in this rural corner of Lancashire. Indeed, moments before this article was to go to press, a second letter arrived, announcing a fire in the village. One might assume this new disaster was unrelated to the mysterious disturbance at the birthday party, were it not for one intriguing fact: the young curate, Mr. B, had his lodgings in the house that burned down!

Could there be some connection between the two events? Only time will tell, but be sure that when it does, The Teatime Tattler will keep its loyal readers informed!

The Incident at Ingleton

A lady in possession of a bad reputation must be in want of a reputable husband…

After a heartbreaking public scandal, Lady Hester Bracknell flees London and the ton to live with her brother in the country. In rural Ingleton, she meets two very different young men: dashing Neville Butler, a curate with an interest in philanthropy, and serious, bespectacled Walter Haworth, scion of a wealthy merchant family. Hester needs to avoid all romance, lest she further damage her reputation, but sometimes love has other plans…

Walter Haworth is hot on the trail of the criminal who embezzled money from his families’ holdings. His search unwittingly leads him to his cousins’ country estate where an unexpected gathering may hold the answers – and criminal – he seeks. He can’t afford any distractions, but Lady Hester Bracknell may derail his mission in the best of ways…

Coming from different social classes and driven by different interests, Hester and Walter seem to have nothing in common. But as the social gatherings of a little country town continually bring them together, they might find love, if they can move past unfavorable first impressions.


Not wanting to overdress for a country dinner, she donned a simple white muslin gown. She reached into her jewelry box for her garnet heart pendant, then hesitated. Simon had given the necklace to her as a love-token. He’d led her out to a moonlit garden, clasped the golden chain around her neck, and kissed her. She’d gone to bed that night with a heart overflowing with joy, certain that a proposal would soon be forthcoming.

No, she could not wear that pendant now. Maybe never again.

Tears stung her eyes, but she held them back, knowing that crying would worsen her headache. Besides, she couldn’t go down to dinner with reddened eyes or a tear-stained face. Everyone would see her distress, and wonder what was wrong. She couldn’t allow that. No one in Ingleton was supposed to know about Simon or the scandal that had driven Hester out of London.

Hester firmly closed the drawer holding the pendent, wishing she could as easily close the door on all the mistakes of the past six months. Instead of the little red heart, she donned a necklace of coral beads. That would be ornament enough. She studied her reflection one last time, nodded, and forced herself up from her chair. Time to go play the part of a proper young lady.

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About the Author

Anne Rollins is the pen name of an English professor who lives in Northern California with her family, her pets, and an enormous collection of books. She is a fan of Diana Wynne Jones and Jane Austen, two authors who have influenced her writing. Today, she writes both sweet and spicy historical romance, sometimes blended with other genres. The Incident at Ingleton is the third book in the “Beau Monde Secrets” series of closed-door, standalone Regency romances with mystery subplots.

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Debutante bests a band of robbers and keeps her honor

Dear Readers,

Alas, while there are daily reports of criminal activity in our great metropolis, such incidents happen in the countryside as well. Here is one most interesting story from a correspondent about criminals in the countryside, and the heroic young lady who foiled them: 

The aftermath of this summer’s raid upon R Manor (formerly known as B Manor) continues. It is not just stolen valuables that the Rs need concern themselves.

The neighbors are abuzz with chatter about the daughter, C.R, a young, most beautiful debutante. During this brazen act of robbery, she most bravely prevailed against unimaginable evils.

The ruthless devils kidnapped poor Miss R, keeping her hostage while they searched for a vault totally unconnected with her family. Through no fault of her or her family, you see. The thieves believed the vault was left behind by the previous family who occupied the home, The Bs.

This name, my readers may know. Before their fall from society–which I’m afraid is a story for another column–they once hosted the most lavish parties. Perhaps you remember them? Though, for some, they may be little more than a blur…

Hosted by Mrs. B, a woman hailing from the mysterious Philippines, these gatherings are believed to be the most strange and exotic parties known to society. That was, perhaps, the attraction. I, myself, attended a few in my day and I daresay their memory lives up to their reputation.

These parties are far from the only infamy that haunts the home, though. A hoard of gold has long been rumored to be stashed away in the ancient manor–stolen, it is said, from a forgotten mine.

But the thieves were deceived. They may have greed but wisdom they do not. If they read my column, they might have known that that portion of the countryside is rife with false rumors. The Northern Woods, especially, are believed to be haunted. They say a young and handsome soldier still wanders the woods on his war horse. Considering that lie, who would be foolish enough to believe the others?

I want to remind my readers that the thieves’ grave error should not fall to Miss R. It is despicable that there should be any harsh chatter toward Miss R and her reputation, especially as she, alone, saved the lives of not just her family but many servants. Despite being shackled and locked away in the manor’s library, she fought off the robbers and managed to escape and lead everyone to the nearest estate, owned by the N family. This, the family themselves have confirmed!

Once there, the Ns found her fully clothed–I must mention–and with far more than just her honor intact. To best a band of robbers is a true act of courage that no one, not even the highest ranking war general can deny of her.

Before you consider all that may or may not have happened during her kidnapping, which I have it on good authority did not happen, I hope you’ll consider her acts of bravery. Most ladies in society swoon at the mere mention of highwaymen. Miss R, however, overcame them all.

Any man in the highest circles of society would be lucky to win her hand and add her fine breeding to their family line. If she can save the lives of countless others from the harshest of circumstances, she can no doubt raise children to be as strong and brave as she. Running a household would come at no trouble at all to such a lady.

The Sapphire Heiress (Book 1 in the Silver Order series)

A historical romance with adventure and fantasy:

A pirate who walks amongst the highest circles of society.

A governess desperate to escape servitude.

“Exciting, dramatic, romantic; infused with magic, danger and mystery, The Sapphire Heiress reinvents the historical romance.

Wondering what Historical Romantasy looks like? This is it.”

– New York Times Bestselling Author Amanda Quick

In Victorian England, the Silver Order has kept its supernatural discoveries hidden for centuries. Those who seek its secrets must always pay a price…

Mae Blackthorne, the daughter of an English shipbuilder and a Filipina immigrant, has been taught to ride sidesaddle, embroider pillows, and dance the waltz. So when her brother disappears at sea, she hasn’t a clue what to do when the family’s shipbuilding business falls into bankruptcy.

It isn’t long before Mae is penniless. Or so she believes. Forced to accept a post as governess in the very home she was raised in, Mae takes on the challenge in good spirits. Yet she is restless and yearns for the life of adventure her daredevil father and brother once had. That is, until she meets Ethan Locke, a pirate who offers her an enticing opportunity to recover her secret inheritance.

Unbeknownst to Mae, her family used their shipbuilding business to shroud generations of successful piracy. Locke, who was once partners with her father, has an old score to settle. He claims that her father stole from him an object of great value: a sapphire that can stop its wearer from growing old. As her father’s last surviving heir, Mae is Locke’s only hope of finding this supernatural jewel hidden amidst her family’s secret fortune.

Agreeing to work together and split the fortune amongst themselves, they share an instant spark of attraction. But they’re not alone in their search. The original owners of the sapphire, who operate an elite secret society, are far more powerful than Mae and Locke could have ever imagined. As danger closes in and the supernatural proves real, Mae fears she has much more to lose than just a second chance at a new life.

Pirates of the Caribbean meets Jane Eyre, THE SAPPHIRE HEIRESS is a suspense-filled historical romance perfect for fans of Amanda Quick.

Buy on Amazon for 99c or read for free in Kindle Unlimited.

About the author:

Ella Leon writes historical romantasy full of intrigue and suspense. Her debut historical romantasy series will be released in 2025 with Dragonblade Publishing. During her 9-5 career, she has delved into many different styles of writing: journalism, public relations and marketing. Fiction, however, is where she finds the most freedom to transform the page. Like the Victorians she writes about, she loves all things gothic and supernatural. Unlike the Victorians, she is a feminist who enjoys exploring the precolonial past. When she’s not writing, you can find her spending time with her family or tending to her rose garden. She lives in the Chicago area.

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April 1842, Bristol, England

Lightning crashed on the moor, this time nearby. When her horse reared skyward, Mae Blackthorne strained to stay upright.

“Stand firm!” she shouted. Her dapple-gray gelding jerked back before righting himself. “Easy.”

With the threat of rain imminent, their only cover was the Northern Woods ahead, but not even her horse, Thomas, dared to enter. Gaining on a web of lifeless trees, he snorted and pulled back.

“Quiet…” Mae rubbed his black mane. “It’s no more than a bunch of trees.”

The words worked to reassure Mae, too. It took only another glance to freeze the blood in her veins. The trees were so dense that the ground had darkened to black, and inside, all was still and silent. Not a single insect, bird, or other small creature moved in the brush. There was only the whispering of leaves.

She risked a look behind her. The last of the evening’s light was gone. Dark, angry clouds rolled over the horizon. In the far distance, rain fell in thick, hazy streaks and bursts of lightning tore through a slate-colored sky. Blast. She’d thought she had more time.

Mae considered her options. There seemed little else to do but risk an awful cold. Her breaths grew shorter.

he was far not only from the Rosewood estate, but from town, too. She had one option. Cutting through the woods had always been an obvious shortcut, though she’d never dared take it. Just the thought made her tremble. She cursed herself. What did she have to fear of the dark forest? No matter how difficult the terrain, Mae was sure she could cross it.

To hell with the servants’ ghost stories. Yanking the reins, she twisted Thomas toward the trees. Snorting again, he continued to resist. Only after the second pulse of thunder did he ease forward.

Past the threshold of trees, the darkness deepened. Cold moisture coated Mae’s skin. Amidst the rocks and fallen branches, Thomas struggled to maintain his footing.

Mae mouthed a silent prayer. She had assumed she was alone, probably for miles, and therefore helpless when a white light flickered out in the distance.

“Who trespasses here?” A voice broke through the still air.

Mae’s throat tightened before she could respond.

The white haze grew brighter in the mist, approaching rapidly until it stung her eyes.

“Whoever you are, you encroach upon private property,” a man said, his voice unrecognizable. Not a local, nor vagabond, given his accent and well-formed words.

“I—I didn’t know anyone owned this land.” Mae squinted.

The man lowered his light. He eyed her the same way everyone did when they noticed her deep-olive complexion. With practice, she had become skilled at ignoring it.

“I was only trying to escape the storm.”

“I imagine you were. And your companions?” Locke swung out the lantern to pan the forest.

“I have none, sir. I was just out for an evening ride.”

“I see,” he said, though he continued to eye her suspiciously. “Your destination?”

Mae straightened, the personal inquiry giving her pause. “Home. No more than an hour’s ride—”

“An hour’s ride!” he exclaimed. “The storm will be upon us at any moment. You must allow me to escort you to my home. It’s not far.” He lifted his lantern, once again shining the light in her eyes. “What, may I ask, is the name of my guest?”

She swallowed. The last thing she wanted was to establish an acquaintance the man might soon regret. In this case, it was entirely unnecessary. “Sir, please, I wouldn’t like to intrude… The distance will be no trouble at all.” Mae jerked the reins to pass him, but his horse moved too, blocking her path.

Damn stubborn man.

“If you care to divulge your name, I can judge that for myself. I know every prominent family in the county and the distances of their estates.”

Silhouetted in the weak light of the lantern, she struggled to make out his face. Whether friendly or harsh, she could not tell.

“You are the lady of the estate, are you not?”

He clearly could not make her out in this darkness, either.

“No, sir. I didn’t mean to imply…” Mae blushed. “I have no estate. I’m no more than a governess.”


“Sir, if you please…”

Lightning crashed again.

The man’s head tilted toward the sky. “The storm’s gaining on us. Come. I live just beyond those trees.”

To Mae’s shock, he pointed west. The forest went on for miles in that direction. The distance to another home in that direction would be greater than that to her own destination. Unless… Mae’s breath caught in her chest. He couldn’t possibly live within the Northern Woods. She lifted a cynical brow. Impossible. She would have heard.

Before she could question him, he disappeared. Curious now, Mae clucked her tongue, ordering Thomas forward. Between the trees, she could make out a subtle path, allowing for a safe gallop. Perhaps the home would be new.

Thunder roared again. As heavy sheets of rain crashed down, she quickened her speed. Shearing through the forest, she gained on the man. Skilled as she was, she sped ahead in a spray of mud.

But keeping her fast pace was no easy task. Her horse writhed with each long stride. Battered by the rain, her hands stiffened. Every muscle ached with fatigue.

The fog had thickened too, transforming the trees and rocks into dense, black shadows. Seeing a boulder, Mae yanked the reins just in time to leap over a fallen tree.

When she landed, the shadow of a building appeared seemingly out of the mist. She breathed in deeply with surprise. Not once had she heard of this man. All along, he had been her neighbor.

She pulled Thomas to a skidding stop. In the clearing stood a stone manor, stately yet modest in size. A burst of lightning illuminated the ivy that crawled its walls.

Mae swept round. A set of hooves squished in the mud, effectively catching her off-guard. The stranger was by her side.

“’Tis by good chance I found you.” He laughed, lifting his face toward the sky as if to relish the rain.

“And the name of my rescuer?”

“Forgive me. Ethan Locke.”

For a few moments, Mae forgot the rain. She held his steady gaze, his eyes no more than two glinting lights in the gloom. How on earth had she never heard of this man? The mystery surrounding him made her instantly suspicious.


I hope you enjoyed this excerpt! If you’d like to read more, The Sapphire Heiress is 99c on Amazon or in Kindle Unlimited, click here!


A Wager in White’s Betting Book

Dear Reader,

Lady P, bringing you the latest on dits from the upper circles of the ton. There are times when the content I must share pains me to do so, but it is for the greater good. Those who are eager to read my news know that I always repeat what I hear. After all, I do have the ear of certain esteemed personages including a well-loved viscountess, who for propriety’s sake, I shall refer to as Lady R.

I was in attendance at the Andrew’s Ball the other night—quite a crush—and happened to overhear Lady R speaking to Lady L, a mutual acquaintance. I was leaning perilously close to a tall potted plant at the time, seeking shelter from an unwanted suitor. I heard Lady R mention a conversation, the names of those involved intentionally not stated. It had to do with Lord H boasting about the wager he entered in White’s betting book.

I must repeat what Lady R said, not just for the sake of sharing it, but for the sake of those who may have at one time or another found themselves in a compromising situation not of their own making. We have all heard tearful tales of a friend—or servant—and a foxed gentleman with an overabundance of physical needs that he cannot control. And yet, when called to the carpet, the not-so-much of a gentleman oftentimes does not recall the moment, nor remember the poor young woman he has ruined!

Sharing such salacious news is bound to cause a scandalbroth, but I must tell the rest of what I have heard, word for word. “Lord H’s wager in White’s book insists it is fact—not rumor.” Peering through the leaves and branches, I saw Lady R pause and put her hand to her bosom. With a tremor in her voice, she confided, “Lord H wrote that he has verified the existence of the Angel of the Streets and has uncovered her true identity!”

I blinked at hearing this news, and had to ease back into the corner when Lord R strode over to his wife, whisked her into his arms, and onto the dance floor. What a striking pair they make. It does my heart good to know that I had a hand in bringing them together with my excellent intuition. Knowing which rumors surrounding the couple were credible, and which were said with an eye toward casting doubt on the lady’s reputation. Oh, and need I mention that Lady L’s husband is acquainted with a certain inspector on Bow Street, and related to someone in the highest echelon of the ton, though not royal?

Fear not, dear reader, for I shall be certain to share further news on this subject with the editor of this unimpeachable daily source of information.

The Duke’s Man-At-Arms (The Duke’s Guard, Book 11)

By C.H. Admirand

Emmett O’Malley will move Heaven and Earth to find and punish the man who kidnapped Michaela.

O’Malley plans to take justice into his own hands. He suspects there is more than compassion and the need to heal that compels the woman he has come to love to rescue others who have been unwilling victims. He will extract more than a bloody pound of flesh from the lord responsible for taking what Michaela refused to give.

Working alongside the angel of the streets has opened O’Malley’s eyes and his heart to someone who shares the same need to heal others. They both believe that every life has worth and everyone deserves a second chance…until Michaela is abducted, and he suspects she is hiding something from him.

A decade is a long time to keep a secret… Michaela will take hers to the grave!

Her life changes forever the night the man her father approved of violates her. To her horror, Michaela glimpses the monster he is a heartbeat before he steals her virtue, destroys her hopes, and crushes her dreams.

She vows never to speak his name again, nor tell a soul what he has done. She discovers an inner strength and calling to help heal others the only way she can, by leading a double life. On the surface she is the reserved daughter of a well-known physician. Beneath is a woman who works tirelessly in the stews of London, doing all in her power to heal and help those society shuns—other women who have had their future, good name, and reputation stripped from them without their consent. She will not let them be broken!


“Michaela, are ye hurt?”

“O’Malley, is it really you?” The shaky reply was music to his ears,

“Aye! Step away from the door, lass. I need to break it down.”

“I… I’m not near the door.”

He grunted in reply. “Now’s not the time to get yer gumption up and argue. Step back—”

“I can’t move. I’m sorry, Emmett,” her voice broke over her apology. “I would if I could.”

“How close are ye to the door?”

“A few feet away.”

“Are ye in the middle of the room?”

“Nay to the left of the door…your right.”

That told him the direction he needed to hit to ensure shards of the door would be directed away from her. “Cover yer head, lass!”

“I can’t.”

Someone tied her up! “I’ll kill the bloody bugger! Close yer eyes, in case the door splinters.”

“They’re closed.”

“Don’t open them until I tell ye, Michaela.” O’Malley took two steps back and rammed the door with his shoulder. The lock held, but the middle of the door broke apart. His heart cried out at the sight before him. Rushing to Michaela, he knelt by her side and realized the odd sound he’d heard was her teeth chattering. “Open yer eyes, darling lass. Tell me where ye’re hurt.”

Dark lashes fluttered open, revealing pain-filled, pale green eyes. “The back of my head aches… I think someone struck me from behind. How did you find me? Where is Greenwood?”

“One thing at a time. I’m going to untie ye and wrap ye in me coat, ye’re chilled to the bone. ‘Twas yer chatting teeth that led me to ye.”

He watched her gather her composure around her like a cloak. Brave, lass.

“I wouldn’t have clenched my jaw for so long, trying to be quiet, if I knew you were coming.”

“Ye know I would always come if ye needed me.”

Her eyes held the soul deep conviction he hoped to see. “Yes. It gave me strength when mine was fading.”

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Author Bio:

If we have not met yet, I’m delighted to meet you. Here’s a little bit about me…

I have been writing romance novels for almost half my life—well, at least for the last thirty years. I’m a die-hard romantic and have to confess the broad shoulders and wicked glint in the brilliant green eyes of a stranger had my breath snagging in my breast, my heart beating madly, and my future flashing before my eyes. At the age of seventeen, I’d met the man I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

I write Historical & Contemporary Romance featuring characters that I know so well: hardheaded heroes and feisty heroines! They rarely listen to me and in fact, I think they enjoy messing with my plans for them. Over the years I have learned to listen to them. I have always used family names in my books and love adding bits and pieces of my ancestors and ancestry in them, too! Visit my website to learn more about my books.

C.H.’s Social Media Links:




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A Lady on the Run!!!

A lady on the run, a hellion hot on her heels

Dear Reader,

Is a secret scandal taking shape on the road?

Some shocking rumors have reached this author’s ears! If my source is to be believed—and I do believe they are—a certain hellion has set chase after a particular heiress who has retired from London to soak in the ocean breeze of Brighton.

But what might be the reason? Is it love? I think not, for these two individuals are as dangerous together as flint and steel.

This author can’t wait for the sparks to fly!


A Little Bit of Hellion

What’s a lady to do when the man she thought was so utterly wrong turns out to be a hellion so very right?

Lady Theodosia King has had enough. Enough of her mother’s relentless matchmaking, enough of fortune hunters circling like vultures, and enough of the Earl of Saville clinging to her shadow under the guise of righting a wrong. Determined to escape the madness, she decides to pack her bags and retreat to Brighton for the remainder of the season. But she never expected a certain earl to follow her . . .

Field Savage, the Earl of Saville, has made his share of mistakes—none more torturous than his involvement in an infamous heiress list that found its way into White’s betting book, causing chaos in London. Every attempt to correct his errors only seems to worsen them. So, when he learns that the bane of his existence has fled London, he’s determined to let her go—after getting answers to a few burning questions.

Their plans go horribly awry when, shortly after Field catches up with Theodosia, they are set upon by highwaymen and left penniless on the side of the road.

Can they overcome their differences long enough to find help, or will their decisions lead them further down a path of mischief and mayhem? And perhaps even love?

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About Tanya Wilde:

Award-Winning and International Bestselling author Tanya Wilde developed a passion for reading when she had nothing better to do than lurk in the library during her lunch breaks. Her love affair with pen and paper soon followed after she devoured all of their historical romance books! In 2020, she won the Romance Writers Organization of South Africa (ROSA) Imbali Award for Excellence in Romance Writing for Not Quite a Rogue.

When she’s not meddling in the lives of her characters or pondering names for her imaginary big, white greyhound, she’s off on adventures with her partner in crime.

Wilde lives in a town at the foot of the Outeniqua Mountains, South Africa.

Find her at:

Wallflowers and Wenches Facebook Group:





Whispers from Harley Street

Dearest Readers,

It is I, your ever-watchful chronicler of clandestine capers and amorous adventures, here to regale you with the most delectable morsels of gossip from our fair city. Today, our tale unfolds on the storied lanes of Harley Street, where miracles in medicine are rivaled only by the marvels of the heart.

A certain Dr. Nick Folsham, esteemed eye surgeon at 87 Harley Street, has found himself entangled in a spectacle far more startling than any he could remedy with his scalpel. Picture this: A bustling pastry shop, a wedding cake of considerable grandeur, and a collision of fates that could not be more perfectly scripted.

It was at this very corner shop that our noble doctor met the delightful Miss Philippa “Pippa” Pemberton, daughter of the Duke of Sussex. With a tumble into tiers of creamy confection, Miss Pemberton and Dr. Folsham commenced their acquaintance amidst a whirlwind of frosting and fervor. Their instant attraction was palpable, dear readers, causing quite the stir among the onlookers (and surely the patisserie staff).

Miss Pemberton, with her charming clumsiness and predilection for pruning plants in her beloved Orangery over navigating society’s treacherous balls, is a breath of fresh air within the stifling confines of aristocracy. And yet, her fortune may prove to be a thorn in the good doctor’s side, as she is none other than the financial backer of his professional rival across the street— dear me! Oh, the delicious irony because the young doctor, despite all of his expertise and education, won’t stand a chance once my influence on the Duke of Sussex takes fruit.

It is with great relish that I unveil my most diabolical plan. My beloved daughter, with her unparalleled talent for manipulation, shall become the key to our success. The old Duke, oblivious to the machinations at play, will be but a pawn in our grand scheme. Together, we will orchestrate a series of events that will dismantle the business of those insufferable doctors across the street. Their downfall shall be swift and thorough, leaving no trace of their once-thriving practice. As their reputations crumble and their clients scatter, we shall rise supreme, our ambitions fulfilled through a perfect blend of guile, strategy, and the unwavering loyalty of my dearest child.

Will Dr. Folsham sacrifice all he has labored for in the hallowed halls of his practice on Harley Street for a chance at true love? Or will the whisperings of blackmail and secrets force him to forsake Miss Pemberton and safeguard his career?

Rest assured, my dear readers, I shall keep you apprised of every stolen glance and whispered vow.

Until next time, may your teacups overflow with intrigue.

Yours in scandal,
An anonymous friend from across the street.

Welcome to the romantic world of Miracles on Harley Street where marvels in medicine and matters of the heart will sweep you away.

In this novel find forbidden love, instant attraction, love at first sight, gentry versus nobility, blackmail, secrets, and of course, Sara Adrien’s nostalgic descriptions and spicy romances.

The last thing Nick needs before operating on the Earl is to collide with a beautiful woman at the corner pastry shop, tumble into a creamy wedding cake, catch her, and lose his heart. But that’s exactly what happens when he meets Pippa, the patron’s daughter who’s financing his rival across the street.

Can Dr. Nick Folsham finally make a name for himself as London’s best eye surgeon or will he lose everything when he falls for a lady?

Philippa “Pippa” Pemberton is delightfully clumsy and a charming misfit. As the daughter of the Duke of Sussex, she may have immense wealth, but she’s far from a typical aristocrat. She much prefers pruning plants in her Orangery and chatting with her pet rabbit to stumbling through society balls.

When she falls into the lap—and life—of the dashing eye surgeon Dr. Nick Folsham in the pastry shop, Pippa’s life takes an unexpected turn. In a whirlwind of whipped cream and fleeting glances, sparks fly. But for Nick, Pippa is both an untouchable dream and a risky dilemma. Can Nick choose between his love and his career or is there a way to reconcile their forbidden love with society’s rules?
Read in Kindle Unlimited!

Note: This series is part of Dragonblade’s Flame line, so this is a scorching-hot read with open-door steam.
Miracles on Harley Street series
Book 1: A Sight to Behold
Book 2: The Scent of Intuition
Book 3: A Touch of Charm
Book 4: The Sound of Seduction
Book 5: A Taste of Gold

About the Author 

Bestselling author Sara Adrien writes hot, heart-melting regency romance with a Jewish twist. As a law professor-turned-author, she writes about clandestine identities, whims of fate, and sizzling seduction. If you like unique and intelligent characters, deliciously sexy scenes, and the nostalgia of afternoon tea, then you’ll adore Sara Adrien’s tender tear-jerkers. She is the author of the series Infiltrating the Ton, Diamond Dynasty, Check Mates, and Miracles on Harley Street. Get 50% off her #1 bestselling 9-book bundle

Instagram: @jewishregencyromance





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