Dear gentle reader, your Tattler came across a missive containing news of the most shocking and titillating nature we fear it is too juicy to be true. We will of course keep our sources secret.
I just spoke to an exceptionally reliable source that Lord, Winthrop (Winn as his contemporaries call him), Burton may be soon off the marriage mart.
I know this to be the shocking bit of my news, since it is common knowledge, because of his family’s curse he had sworn to never marry and have heirs, however that was before the esteemed Zoe Chase, daughter of Lord Chase the diplomat appointed to Rome, returned to English soil to find a husband.
We know the best place to find a suitable husband is within the ton and this is proven of late because of the diplomat debutantes returning for that reason. It would be more sporting, however if they waited to pluck the juiciest of the fruit before the season took off in earnest. However, I digress.
Our poor Winn was pre-occupied and therefore taken off guard by the beautiful Miss Chase. They were once childhood friends you know. It is said he began to question the validity of the curse when precarious events began plaguing her only after it was rumored the two were spending time together above what would be customary of a house guest and the Lord of the manner. Ahem.
I was also informed that a rather public scene ensued during the very house party to find Miss Chase a suitor. After which Miss Chase returned to London with her father and Lord Burton’s sister Cyn (short for Cynthia). It was reported directly to me, that Miss Chase was not overly enthusiastic about the decision. I also believe it was the infamous courtesan Lady Sarrafinna who put an end to the loud scene. Can you imagine, a courtesan at a respectable house party? Of course her family have been close to the Burton’s.
Always the daredevil, Lord Burton will need to find a grand gesture to prove to this young lady he is ready to settle down. Perhaps proving the curse to be a fabrication may in fact bend the odds to his favor, but he must act quickly. My sources tell me, Miss Chase is a delight and with her knowledge of world politics she would be a catch for any up and coming lord looking to make his mark on Parliament.
We shall see. I look forward to seeing this young lord take the fall into matrimony, it will go a long way to making this a fantastic season!
Oh, and please do not forget this information was shared in the strictest of confidence and secrecy my dear. The strictest.
About the Book: Winn’s Fall
Lord, Winthrop (Winn) Burton will die on his own terms. A family curse says he will die by the time he turns thirty years old. He will not leave a young wife and a child behind like his father did to him.
When childhood friend Miss Zoe Chase returns to stay with his sister and find a husband Winn’s plans are thrown into chaos. Not only is the once gangly, awkward girl he remembers, now everything that tempts him, the accidents that once plagued his life are happening to her.
He must keep her safe, but how can he do that when ravaging her is all he can consider? Or perhaps the curse isn’t a curse after all.
Will Winn die, or will he fall?
About the Author
Author of 5 Historical romances, including the Improper Wives for Proper Lords series, Clair Brett lives in NH with her ever emptying nest which includes her children when they visit, two cats, one willful dog, and a mean Pitbull mix, that will lick you to death and run into her kennel when you speak loudly, and an ever harassed husband who takes it all in stride. A lover of all things Regency Clair, was hooked when she first read Jane Austen. She is a firm believer that a reader finds a piece of who they are or learns something about the world with every book they read. She wants her readers to be empowered and to have a refreshed belief in the goodness of people and the power of love after reading her work.