Dearest Readers,

It is really too much, ladies and gentlemen of the Ton. One finds it difficult to write with decorum when such an affront to our society has been revealed. There is, I regret to inform you, a family hiding among us who does not belong. These brazen parvenus are jewelers by trade, dripping in riches yet utterly devoid of noble blood that would warrant their place amongst our esteemed ranks.

Now, before you clutch your pearls in horror, rest assured that many of you have already unknowingly contributed to their advancement. Yes, indeed, many of you have purchased some of the finest bracelets, medallions, and diamond rings from these imposters. Their craftsmanship is undeniable, but let us not be fooled—merit alone will not earn them a place in our society.

The jewelers must not infiltrate the Ton by merit alone. It’s a privilege only bloodlines can give. Don’t you agree with me?

However, a twist of fate has arrived, one that promises both excitement and dread. The Prince Regent himself has announced a grand competition. Twelve jewelers, the best in London, have been selected, and only one will be chosen at the winter ball. Should this family of clandestine upstarts win, they will earn their place at Court in St. James.

It must not come to pass! Such an outcome would be a travesty, shaking the very foundations of our social order. I, Lady Carol Bustle-Smith, pledge to unleash my wrath upon them. I shall do my very worst to thwart their success and any burgeoning love stories they might entertain along the way.

So, dear readers, keep your eyes sharp and your wits sharper. This winter ball shall be a spectacle, and you can trust that your devoted Lady Carol will leave no stone unturned to ensure these jewelers remain precisely where they belong—on the fringes of our society.

Yours, devotedly,

Lady Carol Bustle-Smith

Read the trilogy and find out how the jewelers triumph and earn their place in society while forging bonds along the way that even the evil gossip of the Ton, Lady Carol Bustle-Smith, can’t break.

Book1 – Margins of Love – Fave’s story
Book 2 – The Pearl of All Brides – Arnold’s story
Book 3 – A Kiss After Tea – Lizzie’s story

“One of the Best Regency Romance Novels in 2022 . . . a Masterful Combination of Historical Romance with Jewish Fiction”
– Yahoo! News

About the Author

Bestselling author Sara Adrien writes hot, heart-melting regency romance with a Jewish twist. As a law professor-turned-author, she writes about clandestine identities, whims of fate, and sizzling seduction. If you like unique and intelligent characters, deliciously sexy scenes, and the nostalgia of afternoon tea, then you’ll adore Sara Adrien’s tender tear-jerkers. She is the author of the series Infiltrating the Ton, Diamond Dynasty, Check Mates, and Miracles on Harley Street. Get 50% off her #1 bestselling 9-book bundle

Instagram: @jewishregencyromance



