Dateline: European Battlefront, Fall 1809

Dear Readers,
I beg of you indulge this poor author for deviating from the Tattler’s normal publication of humorous and tittilating information. A desparate situation has arisen with in our armies on the continent, which is like to win The Corsican’s victories for him.
How could that possibly be when British Forces are the best equipped, best trained in the world? In a word, FEVER. This month sees campaigns at both Guadiana in Spain and Walcheren in the Netherlands where our armies are decimated, not by powder and shot, but by insidious fever that strikes without warning.
Casualties number in the thousands with countless more of our brave lads unable to stand and fight. Medical staff are over worked and supplies to fight this invisible enemy are small.
A Mrs. C., whose son serves in the Royal Fusiliers received word from him of dire conditions.
“[N]o ventilation, twenty men sick in the room, of whom about eighteen died. In this place there were [sic] one door, and one chimney, but no windows. Relapse again; deaf as a post; shirt unchanged and sticking to my sore back; ears running stinking matter; a man lying close on my right hand with both his legs mortified nearly to the knees, and dying. A little sympathy would have soothed, but sympathy there was none.”*
We know well that our women, Ladies or otherwise, cannot go to war personally. However, you can send support. Medical and cleaning supplies (see the list on page seven) are desparately needed. Letters of encouragement, sympathy and hope are needed to give our soldiers the will to continue, to fight to regain their health for confrontations on the battlefield.
Do not allow this sickness to win Napoleon’s war for him. Act Now! Organize, cooperate with churches and charities to send all possible aid to Britain’s only defense against the Coriscan’s aim to conquer England. With your help we can rise victorious over all enemies.
The Tattler is interested in news of your efforts and promises complete discretion to any who wish to share their efforts and contributions to aid our Military.
*This quote was copied from an article by Andrew Bamford.
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