Precipitated by the Corsican Monster’s recent escape from Elba, many of our readers have written with concerns about England’s preparedness for battle. Thus we dispatched our best investigative reporters to various military offices seeking information with which to reassure the public. Much good news was received and will be reported at a later date. Today we wish to issue a stern warning to the government that disturbing events at the Royal ship yards in Great Yarmouth may well result in England’s inability to defend herself on the seas.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia
It is the work of the Comptroller’s office to oversee the procurement, storage, and dispersal of all Naval supplies, from the thread and cloth for uniforms to the materials for constructing and outfitting his majesty’s ships as well as the maintenance of those ships in port and at sea. After The Corsican’s abdication last year, the Comptroller’s office announced the sale of surplus supplies, as they were believed to be no longer needed. Present events reveal this to have been an error in judgement of monumental proportions.
Our reporter was granted an interview with the Deputy Comptroller of the Navy, Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin. Martin said definitively that no reduction in supplies would occur while the country was at war. Although, he promised efficiency would be improved in all processes (procurement, storage, delivery et cetera) undergone by supplies. The Rear Admilal went to great lengths to assure our reporter that all ships were fully supplied and much surplus remained in the Great Yarmouth warehouses, although he could not permit our reporter entrance to the warehouses or the holds of any of his majesty’s ships. We are grateful for said reassurance. While no one will doubt the honor, sincerity, and trustworthiness of Rear Admiral Martin, perhaps he is mis-informed as to the status of naval supplies at the Great Yarmouth shipyard.

It has come to our attention via very reliable sources that despite the recent peace and Rear Admiral Martin’s assurances, naval munitions are in very short supply. Our reporter interviewed the officers and crew of several vessels–all of whom shall remain nameless to protect their standing in the navy. Each man reported insufficient supplies of the materials needed to perform his duties. Especially concerning was the report from munitions officers that shot, powder, canon balls, even canons were all missing from or greatly reduced on the lading bills of the ships where interviews were conducted. This frightful news lends credence to the concerns expressed by our readership.
What will become of a nation whose might rests in having the most superior fleet in the world, if that fleet cannot feed itself nor fire a shot in England’s defense? I beg you dear readers, communicate with your members of parliament and urge them to see this terrifying situation corrected post-haste.
S. Clemens, Editorial Director.

This weeks article from S. Clemens is as always a complete fiction with the exception of Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Martin who served as Deputy Comptroller of the Royal Navy from January 1815 to February 1816 when he was appointed to the position of Comptroller in full. He served as the Royal Navy’s comptroller from February 1816 through November 1831 and was responsible for many improvements in the Royal Navy supply systems.
I wrote this article after researching a character for the next Bluestocking Belles Boxset. That character’s mission will be to investigate the reports of supply shortages and see the situation corrected as well as bringing any wrong doers to justice.
About Rue Allyn: Award winning author, Rue Allyn, learned story telling at her grandfather’s knee. (Well it was really more like on his knee—I was two.) She’s been weaving her own tales ever since. She has worked as an instructor, mother, sailor, clerk, sales associate, and painter, along with a variety of other types of employment. She has lived and traveled in places all over the globe from Keflavik Iceland (I did not care much for the long nights of winter.) and Fairbanks Alaska to Panama City and the streets of London England to a large number of places in between. Now that her two sons have left the nest, Rue and her husband of more than four decades (Try living with the same person for more than forty years—that’s a true adventure.) have retired and moved south. When not writing, enjoying the nearby beach or working jigsaw puzzles, Rue travels the world and surfs the internet in search of background material and inspiration for her next heart melting romance.. She loves to hear from readers, and you may contact her at She can’t wait to hear from you.
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